27- party♡

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Finns POV:

The rain was flowing from the sky, heavily. I was on my way 'home' when I seen Millie sprint past me, obviously running back to her house.

By the time I got back, I was drenched. I walked through the door to see Mrs Keery stood with the cops. I shut the door and all their heads snapped to me.

"Finn!" She said, she rushed over to me and hugged me tightly.

"I guess I'll leave you guys to talk." The cop said, walking out of the door.

"Where did you go sweetheart? I didn't mean to upset you." She said with a few tears dripping down her face.

"It's okay." I whispered, then I hugged her back.

I pulled away and I seen the pure happiness in her eyes that I finally hugged her. The front door opened and Joe walked in, he looked at me and let out a big breath.

"Oh shit thank god your back." He said, while pulling me into a hug.

Millie's POV:

I was sat on my sofa with Maddie and Grace, telling them what happened earlier this morning.

"So what happened?" Grace asked.

"I got a text from joe Keery-" Maddie cut me off.

"Joe texted you?! Oh my gosh!" Maddie said, putting her hand on her heart.

Maddie along with every other girl in the school had a crush on Joe.

"Yes Maddie, to tell me Finn had ran off. Then I found him and he told me that he was going to kill himself and if I'd of just turned up 10 minutes later he'd of been out of pain." I said, remembering the things he said.

Grace put her hand over her mouth. "No way, that's so bad."

"I know." I frowned. "Then he told me he has depression and anxiety, by accident."

"Oh no." Maddie frowned.

"Well, lets lighten the mood. Millie, Maddie, lets have a party." Grace said, what? Is the crazy?

"Are you serious? My mum will kill me if she finds out I had a party here!" I said, looking at Grace.

"But your mom isn't here." Grace smirked, raising her eyebrows.

"I swear, if anything goes wrong. I'm blaming you." I said, finally giving up, after all, one party wouldn't hurt, right?

We all started making calls to invite people to the party. We told them all it started at 8. Grace and Maddie went to get their clothes and makeup from their house, then brought it back to mine.

We all got ready together. I put on a peach coloured mini skirt with a white off the shoulder crop top, then paired it with some white heels. I straightened my short hair, then put makeup on, then last but not least, pink lipstick.

Finally we were all ready, Maddie was wearing a denim skirt, with a white shirt tucked into it and her black heels. Grace was wearing a black dress with black heels.

Everyone started arriving and music was blaring. I did invite Finn but I don't know if he's gonna come, but to my surprise he did.

"Hey!" I shouted to him over the loud music.

"Hey." He said, his back resting on the wall.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked him, he shook his head no.

"Come on, pleaseeee." I begged, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." He gave in, I smirked and went to get him a drink.

I handed it to him and we sat down. After I had about 2 drinks I already felt drunk, for the first time.

Maddie's POV:

I was talking to my friend from my English class, Nia. When I noticed Millie making out with someone. My mouth went wide when I noticed who it was, Jacob.


I have a new Fillie book out called Quit if you want to go read it xx

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