35- play dumb♡

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Finns POV; included Riverdale spoilers:)

I walked into my house and 2 cops stood there, one was a girl, one was a boy.

"Finn, the police are here to speak to you, about your friends." Mrs Keery smiled at me.

"Okay..." I said, awkwardly.

"Take a seat." The girl one said, I did. The two cops sat opposite me and Mrs Keery sat next to me.

"We know that you were homeless for 4 years Finn and we know you was with Sadie, Caleb and your friend, Gaten. Right?" The girl asked, I nodded slowly.

"Your friend, Gaten. His death was marked as a murder, but we just found out it wasn't a murder. It was a suicide. Do you know any reason Gaten would have to do that?" The man asked me.

"I don't know." I said.

"What was Gaten's life like at home?" The girl asked.

"I- I don't want to say. He didn't want me to tell anyone and even if he's gone I still aren't going to back stab my best friend." I said.

"Okay. I can't force anything out of you." The girls said. "But your friends Sadie and Caleb have gone away from their homes. Do you know where they are?"

"Um- no." I lied.

"You know we can help you. Finn. We can help them. Tell us where Sadie is." The man pushed.

"I don't know where she is! And even if I did, I'd never tell you, ever." I said, my phone vibrated from my pocket so I picked it up, it was Millie.

My world😍; hey, the cops are at my house and asking about Sadie, Caleb and Gaten. Have you heard anything about them? Because I haven't...

I smiled at her message.

Millie's POV;

I was hoping with all the hope in me that Finn would play dumb.

My boy❤️; no, I did not even know that they ran away. I thought they were still at home with their foster families.

I pointed my phone to the officer, showing him Finns response.

My World😍 (millie); thank you 💛

My boy❤️ (finn); any time😘


The officer finally went, I went in my room and put on some shorts as it was sunny. I put on a white crop top and put my hair in a pony tail then went to Finns house.

Mrs Keery let me in so I walked up to Finns room, he was laid on his bed watching TV, Riverdale to be exact. He looked at me and patted the spot next to him, not taking his eyes off the Tv for more than 3 seconds. I giggled a little and laid next to him.

"What happened so far?" I asked.

"Cheryl has been taken to the sisters of quiet mercy." He said.

"Oh no poor Cheryl." I frowned.

"What's happening with Bughead?" I asked, smiling.

"Still the serpent bullshit." He replied, then hugged me.

I smiled and played with his hair. Before i knew it his eyes were closed and he was sleeping.

"Finn, wake up." I said, shaking him while smiling.

"No." He mumbled, putting his hand over his face.

I kissed his head, then his cheek, and kept repeating that while repeating the words wake up, until he woke up.

"Come on let's go outside it's really sunny!" I said.

"It's California, it's always sunny." He said, sitting up.

"Please?" I asked, pulling puppy eyes.

He stuck his bottom lip out, also pulling puppy eyes. "Your puppy eyes don't work for me, mills."

I tried to make it look more cuter, he looked away and smiled, then back at me.

"Ugh fine! That's only because you looked cute." He said which caused me to laugh and hug him.

"Your making me sleepier." He complained while sitting up.

It was just then when I noticed what he was wearing, denim shorts with little rips in them with a white shirt.

"You look different!" I said. "But a good different I love it!"

I noticed the scars on his wrist had faded which meant he hasn't been cutting recently which was good and made me 10x happier than I already was, it was like my heart grew 3 inches just by the sight of him.

"Thank you." He said, kissing me on the cheek then putting on his high tops I've always known him to wear, then we went.

We got ice cream and watched the sunset, the night was amazing.


What would you all like to see in the next chapters? SOMEONE HELP

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