23- finns old house♡

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Finns POV:

"Lets go, to my old house. Let's see if anyone lives there." I said, looking at Millie with hope in my eyes.

"What if someone does live there?" She asks.

"Then we bolt." I say, standing up. "So what do you say, are you in?"

"I suppose, for you." She smiled her ever so beautiful smile that I have fallen for, hard.

"I need to get changed into some different clothes first, these are wet, from sweat." I said, picking some other clothes out of my closet and walking into the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom and we both put our shoes on, Millie had her black and white vans on and I was wearing my Nike high tops, with the same style I've always had, ripped jeans at the bottom and a large sweatshirt.

We walked out of the door and started walking.

"How far away is your old house?" Millie asked me.

"I think about 20 minutes from here." I replied, looking at her.

"Okay. You know I love that you haven't changed your style since I first met you." She smiled.

"I like wearing things like this." I said.

"Yeah I like it too, but you can pull it off, I couldn't." She laughed.

"I like what you wear." I said. "Obviously not for me, but I mean for you."

She just laughed at me and we decided to run for a while. Until we were round the block from my old home.

"How long now?" She asked.

"About 5 seconds." I said, as I turned to look at the house in front of me.

"Is this it?" She asks, I nodded.

"It's definitely abandoned." She said.

I knocked on the door and nobody answered, I kept knocking but again no response. We walked round to the back garden and I pulled the back door nob, I didn't expect it to open but it did.

"Nobody lives here. It's exactly the same as it was when I lived here." I said, stepping inside and pulling Millie in.

Millie opened a drawer and it had loads of pictures in, of me with my family, my little 12 year old self. I picked one up which was me and nick, sat with our old dog, Scruffy. I felt tears fill up my eyes but I blinked them away.

I put the picture in my pocket and Millie was looking at one of the other ones.

"Which one have you got?" I ask her, walking to her and looking.

"This, you were super cute." She said, I let out a little laugh.

I picked another picture up, it was me eating ice cream whilst sitting in the back yard only wearing a diaper, I was like 2 in the picture, I still had little black curly hair, next to me was Sadie, she was also eating ice cream while in her diaper, her ginger hair was just up to her shoulder, she had ice cream round her mouth whilst sticking her tongue out and going cross eyed.

"You really have been friends forever." Millie said.

"I know." I smiled.

Everything in the house was the exact way I remembered it, then the bathroom door was open.

Millie's POV:

We were walking past the bathroom, the door was open. Finn stood still and frowned.

"Finn, what's wrong?" I ask him.

"T-that's where I found h-her." He said, his eyes became glassy.

"Your mom?" I ask, he nodded.

"Come on let's go I don't like it." He admitted as we walked down the stairs.

We walked out of the door and started walking down the street. My phone started vibrating so I picked it up, mum was calling.


"Hey sweetie, where are you?"

"I'm just hanging out with Finn."

"Oh okay, what are you doing?"

"Just walking."

"Okay, we'll be in by 8:30, bye love you."

"Love you, bye." I said and ended the call.

We just walked and talked after a stressful day.

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