30- mine♡

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Millie's POV:

It has been about 2 months since me and Finn confessed our liking for each other. He hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, but that didn't bother me too much, although I'd love to be able to call him mine.

It's December 23rd, which means it's Finns 16th birthday. I had got him a gift, it was in fact and electric guitar. He told me before that he loves to play it, so I went and got him one.

It was 12:30pm so I put on some black leggings and a sweatshirt due to the cold winter weather. I got the guitar which was wrapped up in a big box, with blue wrapping paper.

It was too big to bring round to Finns house, so I invited him over here to open it, then he can take the guitar home.

I heard a knock on the door and I ran downstairs, I answered and seen the beautiful curly haired boy stood there, wearing a black sweatshirt and his original styled jeans and high tops.

"Hey Finn." I smiled. "Come in."

"Hi mills." He smiled.

"I got you something." I smirked and took his hand, bringing him into the conserventry.

"Millie I told you not to get me anything." He whined.

"Well tough, because I did." I said. "Now open it."

I watched as he stripped the wrapping paper off the big box, then he opened the box, his eyes lit up.

"Holy shit Millie! Thank you!" He said, standing up and hugging me.

"Your welcome. What did Mr and Mrs Keery get you?" I ask.

"Oh, this." He said, pulling an iPhone 8 out of his pocket.

"Woah!" I said.

"I know right!" He laughed.

"Give me your number so we can face time." I said, he gave me his number and I saved his contact as finn💕🐣


It was Christmas Day and I was sat at the dinner table with my family eating Christmas dinner. We were all in convocation when Finn messaged me.

Finn💕🐣: hey, Merry Christmas. I'm just wondering if your free for like an hour?
Me; I will be soon, just eating dinner xox
Finn💕🐣: okay well text me when your free

Finn never put "xox", he told me it's pointless and he didn't understand. I tried to explain to him, he still said it's pointless.

I finally finished my dinner and I text Finn. He told me he would meet me outside. I walked out and seen the beautiful boy I've fell for.

"I need you to come with me." He smiled.

He took my hand and lead me to the Forrest, we walked along to where all the fireflies were. We sat on top of the hill and the wind was blowing our hairs all over.

Finns POV:

I was finally gonna ask Millie the question I've been waiting to ask her for so long. We were sat at the top off the hill when I took out the gift I bought her.

"Open it." I smiled.

She took it out of my hand and opened the little box. Inside was a golden necklace, which had the letters MBB on it, she looked up and me and hugged me.

"Thank you it's beautiful!" She smiled.

"Millie, I have to ask you something." I said, trying to find my confidence.

"Okay." She smiled.

"This may not be the most romantic way to ask someone, but Millie, I can't really find the right words to say, but I'm gonna go for it. You make me one of the happiest people in the world, every time I see your face I get a feeling in my stomach that I didn't even know was there, then I realised that the feeling is butterflies, you brought out the nervous side in me which I didn't even know existed. What I'm trying to say is you make me feel like I actually have a purpose in this world and I only put here to suffer, so Millie Bobby Brown, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her, with hope in my eyes.

She smiled wide and instantly smashed her lips on mine. I put my hand on her cheek, we stood kissing for about 10 seconds until she pulled away. Her lips tasted like strawberries, obviously because of the new chapsticks she said her brother bought her.

"Yes, Finn. I'll be your girlfriend." She smiled, connecting our lips again.

Finally I'm happy. I may not have my 3 best friends beside me anymore, but I have one gorgeous girlfriend and amazing friends.

My life took a turn for the better, and that's all thanks to the one and only, Millie Bobby Brown.

I feel like I'm the luckiest boy on earth, things started out bad, but they ended good.

I was a street kid, now I'm finally important to someone.


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