40- beat his ass♡

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Millie's POV:

We took this argument to the back off the mall so we wouldn't get kicked out. We were stood behind and the boy & girl were being awful.

"Finn is mine, you fucking loser." The girl said, pushing me.

Maddie stepped up and put her hand on her chest, stepping forward to her.

"Get your hands off my best friend you prostitute looking bitch. Finn isn't yours, he's Millie's." Maddie pushed her down, which caused the boy to push Maddie, then Jack split it up.

There was still silence from Finn.

I could tell he looked angry but he was trying to keep his cool.

"There's one missing isn't there, where's toothless?" The guy said.

"Romeo shut the fuck up!!" Finn finally snapped, so the guys name is Romeo.

"And he speaks!" The girl claps.

"Yes he fucking does." Finn sarcastically clapped back in her face, Maddie looked at me and smiled.

"I bet your mom would be so disappointed , you know that's probably why she killed herself, because she was ashamed of having a stupid little son like you. She couldn't of cared that much, could she. If she killed herself knowing she had a son she needed to take care of." Romeo said, pushing Finn to the wall. "Your fault. All your fault."

"Beat his ass." I mimed to Finn, he understood pretty well because he slightly nodded.

"What's that, making convocation with slut number 2 over here?" Romeo said, looking at me.

"The only girl that's a slut here is Sophia." Finn said, looking up and down in disgust at the ginger girl.

"There was your mom... but you know." Romeo said, pretending to cut his neck with his hands.

Right before my eyes Finn had flipped them so Romeo was pinned up against the wall, Finn was holding Romeos shirt.

"Don't ever, ever talk about my mom again. Or your sorry fucking petty ass will be knocked the fuck out." Finn said, even I was intimidated and it wasn't aimed at me.

"You wouldn't be able to do that." Romeo smirked.

"Just beat his fucking ass!" Jack said, grabbing Romeo and punched him round the face.

Jack was usually the quiet one, I was so surprised.

Romeo got Jack to the floor so Finn pulled Romeo off and punched him multiple times in the face, Sophia had already ran off.

Finn knelt down to where Romeo was laid, then pressed his hand on his chest.

"My girlfriend is not a slut, my mother wasn't a slut. Sadie isn't a slut and your not fucking big. Stay away from us or I will do much more than this Beckham, got it?" Finn said, Grace had her mouth agape, same as everyone else here did.

"G-got it." Romeo said, looking scared as hell.

"Good." Finn said, getting up and smiling at us all. "Problem solved."

We all burst out laughing at how casual he was being about it, I connected our hands as we walked back to the cabin.

"Holy shit I want you to be my body guard or something." Grace said, Finn laughed.


I just got out of the shower, Finn was downstairs with everyone else.

I put on some black booty shorts and a long white t-shirt, I put on my yellow fuzzy socks and walked downstairs, then Finn went upstairs to shower.

Grace and Jack were sucking faces on the sofa which was cringe.

"Get a room!" I yelled, they pulled away and laughed.

3 hours later Finn still wasn't downstairs, I was confused so I walked upstairs and seen him laid on the bed, sleeping. All this kid does is sleep. He had on a black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants.

I kissed his head and covered him with the blanket, then walked back downstairs.

"What's he up to?" Grace asked, writing in her book at the table.

"Sleeping." I smiled, sitting on the couch.

It was 2am and I was awaken by slurring next to me, I turned around and seen that Finn was sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, also rubbing my eyes.

"Nothing just go back to sleep." He said, getting his phone off the stand.

"Finn if something's wrong tell me." I said.

"Nothing's wrong!" He said, turning round so he wasn't facing me anymore.

"There's clearly something." I said.

"Millie it's nothing, just go to sleep." He said.

"So now I'm the bad guy." I rolled my eyes.

"Nope, the bad guy is my mind." He said, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? So there is something wrong?" I asked, he didn't answer me. I sighed and closed my eyes.

When I woke up Finn wasn't by my side. I went downstairs and he was sat with Caleb, they were talking in the corner of the sofa.

I was just walking upstairs and i felt someone grab my hand, I turned round and it was Caleb.

"I need to speak to you." Caleb said, quietly.

"Okay, come in here." I said, leading him to Finn & i's room.

"Finn told me not to tell you this but last night, when he didn't come downstairs, he cut himself, again. He didn't want you to know because he felt ashamed and like he's ruined this whole thing, so I think you need to talk to him." Caleb said, I felt tears coming to my eyes at the thought he'd hurt himself.

"Can you tell him to come up to me? Please?" I asked him, he nodded with a little sympathetic smile.

About 5 minutes later Finn walked in, he looked down.

"Caleb told you didn't he." Finn sighed.

"Yeah." I said, quietly. "You told me nothing was wrong."

"I didn't want you to be embarrassed of me." He said, still not looking up.

I walked up to him and put my fingers at the bottom of his chin, lifting his head so his eyes were directly near mine.

"I would never be embarrassed of you, ever. I love you Finn. More than you could ever imagine." I said, placing a soft kiss on lips.

He rested his hand on my cheek as our lips became one. My hand was holding his free hand, just at the side of his waist.

This kiss was passionate, like there was so much love involved, almost like i forgot anyone else was in the room.

Of course that was until Maddie walked in, and took a picture, like always. She has a whole album on her photos named fillie moments caught off guard.

"Maddie! What the hell are you doing!" I shouted while going red.

"Another off guard moment to add to my album." She smirked and walked out.

I looked at Finn and shook his head while smiling.

I wouldn't trade our relationship for the world.

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