Peter Parker|Responsibilty

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A/N: I had this idea & just wanted to roll with it. Please read author's note part to learn more about upcoming chapters and ideas!

Prompt: (Y/n) is attacked for Spider-Man's identity and Spider-Man comes to save her

Warnings: angsty & details of fighting

Word count: 2159

Song: One Million Bullets — Sia


"Are you going to be okay walking home by yourself?" Peter asked (Y/n) as they peacefully strolled down the Queens' sidewalk after their Academic Decathlon meeting.

"Yeah, Pete. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself," (Y/n) laughed playfully at his concern, awkwardly punching Peter as he smiled nervously.

"I know. But seriously (Y/n), I wouldn't want anything to happen to you," Peter shrugged, rubbing the back of his head.

"I know. But little do the bad guys know that I've got a certain hero watching my back," (Y/n) winked at her friend, holding her hands out in the position of a karate chop. "And I got some of my own moves too," she smirked confidently, doing a silly dance to lighten his mood.

Peter laughed at (Y/n)'s immature actions, wiping away the tears from his eyes as he forgot his concern for a bit. Her humor was one of the reasons he loved being her friend, but also a large reason he developed a crush on her. Peter was never able to admit that though, so he instead was determined to be the greatest best friend and always be by her side.

"Well, hero duty calls," Peter sighed as he shrugged at (Y/n), puffing his chest out to seem more confident. Peter nodded goodbye, gripping his backpack and heading into the familiar alley to change into his Spider-Man suit. Beginning to take off his shirt, Peter turned back to realize (Y/n) was still behind him, watching him take off his clothes. Both teens felt their faces grow warm, looking away from each other with awkwardness.

"Uh... sorry. Good luck," (Y/n) stammered as she tried to look away, distracted by Peter's toned body. As she kept staring, she ran her back harshly into the wall, causing her to mentally slap herself.

(Y/n) then chucked awkwardly at her mistake, trying to act smoothly as she attempted to walk away. Peter nervously waved good-bye as he watched his friend disappear behind the corner. He then put his red face into his palms, wondering if she liked what she saw.


(Y/n) scolded herself after sticking around to see Peter lifting his shirt in front of her, embarrassed that she didn't get the cue that it was her time to leave.

Or maybe I didn't want to leave. Nah, he's just a friend. I mean, it's not like you have a chance with him. Peter really likes Liz. And besides, he doesn't like me, right? He trusts his friends with secrets, not his crush.

(Y/n) sighed tiredly as she overthought her situation, tugging her hair with irritation, observing the busy streets of her home. (Y/n) enjoyed the view of the busy streets of Queens as she walked to the cafe to complete her homework until her mom came to pick her up.

The bells of the cafe chimed, alerting (Y/n) to stop daydreaming about her non-existent chances of being with Peter and focus on her schoolwork.


(Y/n) tiredly exhaled, running her fingers nervously through her hair. She had been engrossed in her pressing amounts of homework and lost track of the day. Looking outside, (Y/n) realized that loud city that is Queens had fallen asleep and dimmed with the night sky. Taking another sip of her now-cool tea, she picked up her phone to check the time.

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