Peter Parker|Haircut

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A/N: My hope with this imagine is not to offend anyone, but to share my experience with my hair. I had long hair for the longest time, and it wasn't right for me. I love it on other people, but it's not for me. And it's not about you should get short hair either. It's about really being yourself, and in this case, with your haircut. If you are thinking about cutting your hair, do a bit of research on short hair and have fun with a change in length!

Prompt: (Y/n) gets short hair after keeping her hair long for a while

Warnings: more about short length hair 💇‍♀️

Word count: 1750


"Doesn't Liz have beautiful hair?" Ned commented in a daze, observing the attractive senior from afar.

"Yeah, it's so long and shiny. Not that I've been looking at it," Peter grinned stupidly, lovingly staring at his long-time crush as she continued to chat with her friends.

"She does have nice hair," (Y/n) frowned, fiddling with the dry ends of her hair nervously.

(Y/n) has been attempting to grow out her hair, into a beautiful length, since it seemed her crush found qualities like long hair attractive.

"It's so pretty long. I can't imagine her having short hair anymore like she did in elementary school," Ned added, still gazing dreamily at Liz, who continued to enjoy lunch with her friends.

"I'd be fine with it. I mean—she's beautiful either way," Peter nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from the enchanting beauty of the senior girl.

"You got that right Peter," Ned fist-bumped Peter with delight, happy that they both agreed on women. (Y/n) rolled her eyes in disgust, annoyed with the continuous conversation and observations of Liz.

(Y/n) grew tired of her close friends as they talked about the most popular girl at school for the millionth time. The boys tended to discuss their feelings every lunch period, and it was starting to get old.

"I'm gonna head to the library," (Y/n) scoffed, picking up her lunch hastily as she rushed to get far away before she spat out something she would regret.

"You guys are losers," Michelle commented blankly from the other side of the table at the boys. Gaining their shrugs and looks of confusion, Michelle observed (Y/n) as she bolted out of the cafeteria.

Michelle might have not been a close part of their trio, but she certainly could see the signs when (Y/n) was flustered, especially by her long-time crush, Peter Parker.


(Y/n) gazed angrily into the mirror, tugging her hair intensely with frustration.

"Why can't he see me?" (Y/n) asked herself tiredly, pulling at the ends of her lengthy (h/c) hair.

(Y/n) had been growing her hair for a while now, all that time believing her hair was going to attract her best friend's attention.

The plan obviously backfired, since Peter was no closer to making a move on (Y/n) than when she had medium length hair.

Taking out the bathroom scissors in her hand, (Y/n) inhaled deeply, unable to think before her hand moved to her head.

With the scissors clicking together with a 'snip', (Y/n)'s chunk of hair fell into the sink. Caught up in the moment, (Y/n) continued to pull her hair, then slice it off. The snipe of the scissors filled the bathroom as more and more hair filled up the sink.

TOM HOLLAND | PETER PARKER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now