Peter Parker|Interview

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A/N: If you guys want part 2 of "Lovely Night", please let me know! working on "Science School: Part 2" soon for the people who wanted it.

Prompt: (Y/n) hates Peter for ignoring her, but likes Spider-Man so she asks him for an interview (some DEH stuff)

Warnings: swearing

Word count: 3000

Song: If I Could Tell Her — Dear Evan Hansen


"So now (Y/n) hates Spider-Man and Peter Parker!" Peter whined after eavesdropping on (Y/n)'s conversation with her new friends in gym class about her conflicted feelings - not hatred in the slightest - for the neighborhood vigilante called Spider-Man.

Frustratingly setting his tray of food on the cafeteria table, Peter sighed as he watched his ex-best friend hang out with other people on the other side of the cafeteria. (Y/n) laughed and chuckled with the new group of people as Peter observed her. 

"What else is new?" Ned shrugged as he raised his eyebrows, following Peter's eyes that gazed at (Y/n) intensely. Ned sighed tiredly, patting Peter's shoulders in pity as Peter groaned.

"I just—I didn't mean to avoid her, I just didn't want to drag her into my mess," Peter murmured to Ned, gazing angrily into his backpack to peek at the little red part of his suit.

"I know, but you shouldn't have avoided her. She really cares about you," Ned shrugged, trying not to reveal too much about her secret feelings for Peter. "Of course she was gonna get pissed that you were totally ignoring her. To be honest, I can't believe she still likes you!" Ned exclaimed, quickly trying to cover his mouth when Peter tilted his head with confusion. 

"Really?! Does she like me? I—Does she still talk to you? Ah Ned, I really messed up. She won't even look at me now!" Peter rambled frustratedly, glancing back at (Y/n) as she laughed in her signature style with a new group of people. 

"Well, you did just unexplainable start to avoid her. Come on Peter. I just think you guys should start talking again. I miss us all hanging out," Ned pleaded to Peter, wanting the Holy Trinity to be together again. 

Peter began to avoid (Y/n) six months ago when he first gained his new powers from the radioactive spider. Scared of causing his friend unnecessary trouble - and maybe developing more feelings for her - Peter began to ignore her in any way possible. It hurt the two teens both, since (Y/n) and Peter were once inseparable.

"I just didn't wanna put her in any danger Ned," Peter ruffled his chocolate hair in annoyance, trying to take his eyes off of his ex-best friend.

"Well, you should know it's dangerous to ignore women, especially (Y/n)," Ned stated jokingly to Peter as the bell rang alerting the students to go back to class. The two waved good-bye, heading to their separate classes. Peter then spotted the familiar back of (Y/n)'s head, following her closely and trying to catch her attention.

"(Y/n)! Wait up!" Peter yelled loudly, trying to make her head turn towards his voice. When he tapped her shoulder lightly, (Y/n) turned around coldly with icy daggers in her (e/c) eyes.

"Leave me alone," (Y/n) whispered harshly, turning around and storming towards their next class together, leaving a broken-hearted Peter to find his way alone.

TOM HOLLAND | PETER PARKER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now