Peter Parker|Dust

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A/N: After watching infinity war I wanted to write a short, depressing imagine. This took emotional energy dudes. Tom Holland/Peter Parker really makes me cry a lot, but here we are. I hope u enjoy! Please let me know

Prompt: (Y/n) lives to see her home in chaos after the snap

Warnings: tears & death

Word count: 1212


"For you are dust, and dust you shall return..." Genesis 3:19 

The city's bustling noises where drowned by the civilian's cries as the world they once knew seemed to collapse.

The once clear blue sky was burning with the color of blood, disrupting the order the government tried to enact in the chaos.

(Y/n) jerked her head upwards towards the blood-red sky, her (h/c) tangling and flying against the heavy winds of a frantic Queens.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened with intense fear, turning her head towards the street filled with terrified people, screaming and crying for their lives.

(Y/n) tried to calm her heavy breathing, checking her phone to see if her boyfriend had answered her messages. The last time (Y/n) saw Peter was when he kissed her cheek swiftly and swung off from the school bus after a mysterious alien donut appeared in the sky.

"Ned, we have to find out what's—" (Y/n) stopped mid-sentence, petrified at what was happening to her friend as she turned to view him.

"(Y/n), what's happening?" Ned cried out, his eyes widening as he watched his hands disappear slowly. Allowing fear to fill his heart, Ned began to pant, trying to shake his hands frantically.

"Ned, you're gonna be okay," (Y/n) allowed hot tears to roll down her cheek, trying to stay calm for her friend as her breathing rapidly increased with her panic. (Y/n) tried to grab Ned's hand, her arm swiping through and began to dissolve into the cool air.

(Y/n) let out a frustrated scream, desperately trying to hold her friend. Ned watched his body disappear in horror, finally embraced by (Y/n) in a desperate hug.

Sighing fearfully, Ned allowed his head to rest nervously on (Y/n)'s shoulder, attempting to share the embracement. He let cool tears run down his face, shutting his eyes tightly as he felt his body grow tighter every second.

Ned gripped his friend tightly, the two ignoring the rest of a dying world as they began to disappear to dust.

"Please tell my family that I—" Ned began before the world suddenly became silent. (Y/n) couldn't hear anything but the numbing ringing that pounded into her skull, watching the last of her friend fade into ashes fluttering softly towards the cold pavement.

"NED! PLEASE!" (Y/n) let out a blood-curdling scream as she fell to her knees in despair. (Y/n) tried to gather the ashes of her friend, simply failing as (Y/n)'s tears clouded her vision.

(Y/n) lowered her head, her warm tears falling on the ashes of her good friend. A heavy breeze picked up in the screaming city of Queens, causing the dust of her friend to scatter to the winds.

"NO! NED! Oh, Ned..." (Y/n) cried out to the as the ashes fled, trying to reach for the remnants of Ned as it flew towards the blood-red sky. (Y/n) pounded her fist on the road, screaming hysterically along with the billions of people across the Earth mysteriously disappearing to ashes.

"My family... My friends..." (Y/n) shakily whispered, her voice hoarse from screaming. The horrifying sounds of crying children surrounded her, engulfing her senses and poisoning her mental state.

(Y/n) felt dazed with panic bubbling in her chest, panting heavily and confused by the horrible surroundings.

"Peter..." (Y/n) remembered, her eyes widening as (Y/n) gazed above towards the red sky, wondering if her first love and only was safe.

Feeling a pit in her stomach, (Y/n) realized that her arms felt lighter than usual. (Y/n) gazed at her hands, already dispersing into dust every second she breathed.

"I don't want to die. Please," (Y/n) softly cried out, a lump forming in her throat with the fear of death rising in her body. Death was inescapable and inevitable, but it didn't soften the fear and sorrow when your time on earth is complete.

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" (Y/n) wailed like an animal, her life flashing before her eyes. (Y/n) tried to grip to the pavements she remembered falling on as a child. The sidewalks where (Y/n) shared memorable moments with her friends. The streets where (Y/n) shared memories with Peter.

"(Y/n), we gotta talk," Peter shakily said to (Y/n) as the two walked home from school. Peter was finally ready to share his feelings for his best friend but still felt nervous for her reaction.

(Y/n) and Peter had been friends for a long time (and nothing more), but after a long talk with Aunt May, Peter decided it was time to share how he felt.

"Oh god, I knew you were mad that I said something to Flash. I just can't believe you let him talk to you like that. You gotta stand up for yourself," (Y/n) commented, trying to explain why she defended Peter earlier on during Aca Deca.

"Eh, no. Not exactly what I wanted to say, but thanks for standing up for me. Just please listen," Peter tried to muster the courage, wiping his sweaty hands as he thought of what to say.

"Okay Pete. Just know I'm your friend, no matter what," (Y/n) comforted Peter, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"I know that. It's just... I-I think... this is so hard to say. I l-like you (Y/n)," Peter mumbled under his breath nervous.
"I like you too Pete," (Y/n) smiled with slight confusion, her heart racing.

"I mean... really like you. As in, l-like-like," Peter whispered, looking down at his shoes waiting for (Y/n) to yell at him and leave.

"You like-like, me?" (Y/n) questioned, shocked that the day has come where the two admitted their feelings was today.

"Just forget that. I'm so sorry. Let's just—" Peter tried to salvage their friendship, getting cut off by his crush.

"I kinda like-like you, Parker. Well, from the moment you told me I was pronouncing 'acetic acid' wrong," (Y/n) admitted to Peter, trying to hide her embarrassment. Peter gleamed with happiness, trying to contain his joy while staring into (Y/n)'s eyes.

"Really?! I mean, you know me. I can't resist the chemistry we share," Peter joked to cover up his nervousness, making (Y/n) bellow out a strong laugh.

"I can't believe I like such a dork," (Y/n) chuckled as Peter's cheeks turned red. The two laughed together, their eyes shining with hope for their future.

This can't the end. I've just started my life. I'm gonna see mom again. And dad. Ned. Peter.

(Y/n)'s mind finally blanked, relaxing her muscles, no longer able to feel her body. (Y/n) looked up to the sky once more, taking a final breath.

(Y/n) gently closed her eyes, allowing tears to escape from her heavy eyes for the final time. (Y/n) felt oddly at peace, realizing that her time on earth had been completed.

Darkness engulfed her finally. (Y/n) became dust, the remnants of her body scattered in the wind.

From dust we are born. To dust we return.

But it isn't the end.

But the beginning of
the unknown.

TOM HOLLAND | PETER PARKER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now