Peter Parker|Diary

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A/N: Sorry for lack of updates. Finals are coming up and doing a lot of activities, and writing takes a long time. Thanks for waiting! GOOD LUCK WITH FINALS! (Btw let's talk about ENDGAME)

Prompt: (Y/n) has a diary where she writes and draws everything including her feelings for her best friend Peter Parker. Then Peter finds the diary and secretly takes it home to read it and he has the same feelings for (Y/n).
Requested by @Ainsilly12

Warnings: swearing

Word count: 2574


Dear (Y/n) (L/n),

Today was not a good day. Here's why:

I didn't get any sleep or get to study for my tests. I also had to present a stupid slideshow and have way too much homework. It doesn't help that my period started this morning.

Peter keeps talking about Liz. It's weird, but it physically hurts when he goes on and on about her. It's a straight punch to my gut.

I don't blame him. She's the whole package: intelligent, strong, beautiful, and brave. I can't compete with her, especially not for my best friend.

And that's what we will stay. Well, at least I think we are best friends. But god, he makes me feel so warm. And fuzzy. Ew.

It's straight out of a fanfic, but I can just be myself with him. My stupid, weird self. He doesn't care.

Today at lunch, he didn't peel his eyes of Liz. Not until I laughed at a stupid pun made. God, he looked at me with THOSE eyes and told me that he loved my laugh today. Who does that? I choked on water and spat all over my lunch, which was so embarrassing.

How can he mess with me like that? How am I allowing him to? He doesn't even know it. I stared at him like an idiot for a minute, then just got up and left. Why am I so awkward?

Now I can't even look at him. I feel his eyes burning onto the back of my skull, wondering what happened at lunch.
But how can I say "Hey Pete, I kinda like you, but if you would be so kind as to stop messing with my heart? It really throws me off. Please stop."

I know he doesn't like me, but he's terrible at keeping secrets, which means he probably doesn't. But how I wish he would feel the same way.

I don't like him. Well, I do. I just don't want to. It makes everything so awkward, and having a crush is too much work. And I'm only a sophomore in high school!

I mean, who likes the only guy that talks to you? Why can't I stop thinking about him? It's like everywhere I go, I see him. I even had a dream I the other night about him kissing me, which will NEVER happen.

I know it's unrealistic, but there's this daydream that keeps playing in my head. He asks me to homecoming, I say yes, and we have a blast dancing together.

It stings that he'll always as a friend, but I guess it's better than nothing. He calls me his "best buddy", which is an upgrade from the nickname from freshmen year: "science buddy".

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