Toxic Love

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James Reynolds' POV

I stared at my boyfriend, Alexander Hamilton, sadly as he walked into our bedroom, just getting home from work. He looked so exhausted, mentally and physically that I almost began to rethink what I was doing. I can't though, it's too late for that. I've crossed the line, I've packed my bags, without debate I am leaving.

The smile he made when he saw me, sitting on the bed killed me. It seemed as though all of the previous exhaustion was gone and in its place a youthfulness that I hadn't seen in him since we were in middle school. I didn't return the smile, I couldn't. He noticed this and with that his smile fell, taking away the youthfulness that I had seen in him in so little time, I wonder if that sight was a dream... He set his briefcase down and shed his coat before walking over to the bed, to ask if something is wrong, or so I thought. He sat next to me on the bed and made no move to speak, leaving us both in an uncomfortable silence that drowned me in guilt.

One glance at him showed that he could also feel the constriction and awkwardness the silence cast over. Though, him being the person he was, did not wait long to break the wretched silence between us. "Are you alright dear? You look so sad..." His tone held so much concern for me, despite the cold shoulder I was giving him.

I finally focus my vision on his face, I need to. Without once looking away from his beautiful face I stood up and grabbed my bags from under the bed, watching as his expression melted from worry to panic in the short time it took me to gather my things. He opened his mouth, attempting to say something yet not quite reaching it, however I still understood every word of it. Every silent, unspoken word... "I'm leaving Alexander..."

I hear myself say before I can even recognize that I'm speaking, my brain acting on its own without my control. I see tears welling up his eyes, making my pity for him increase tenfold. He looked down quickly to hide his tears from me, even though I knew that he had seen me staring at them.

His voice was hoarse when he finally responded. It sounded so broken and scratchy that for a moment I suspected that he had been previously sobbing, which I knew he wasn't... "Why?" Was the single word he managed to croak out in his frail voice.

I shake my head to answer his question without truly answering. "Because we don't work well together. This relationship was destined to fail from the beginning Alexander." I explain as emotionlessly as I can.

"That's not true! If we-" He begins to argue, but I cut him off before he can say any more.

"This isn't up for debate Alexander... It never was. I just need to go..."

He stares at me before bursting out in anger brought on by his grief, or at least that's where I assume it came from. "But WHY?! Why can't you just stay here? With me and everything else?!"

I once again shook my head and took another step closer to the front door. "Look, Alex, I love you, but I need to go..." I try to calm him down as gently as possible, but my words seem to anger the small man further.

"So it's just for you? Aren't you willing to fight to make us work?!" Alex shouted at me with tears running down his face. Something in me snapped when I heard those words.

"I have fought for us Alex!" I shouted at him, unable to remain calm any longer. "But you're never here! Alex I can't fight alone for us... and I can't be with you..." He was staring at me with confusion. I don't give him a chance to say a word before I continue. "I can't do this anymore, Alexander... You're always gone for so long... I start to lose feelings, but right before I have you come back and make me fall in love with you all over again. Alex, this relationship is toxic for me, and you. I love you, but this is goodbye..." I turn around and walk out the door without once looking back at my now ex-boyfriend.

//730 Words
So this exists

I rewrote this so it is hopefully better now

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