Izuku Midoriya

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During the second week of school we finally had are first real hero practice. It was the Heroes vs Villains Simulation, it took place in an empty building the school made and they managed to create costumes for us that we designed ourselves. But since it would be difficult to explain verbally or written how I wanted mine, my mom designed it. The shoes that came with my costume took 3D scans of the ground in front of me and sends to a headband in my mask that basically spoon feeded me the information. It kind of felt like someone's standing really close to you, but you can feel that with objects that are ten feet in front of you. It was kinda cool cause I didn't need to worry about running into stuff, but it was overwhelming to say the least. It wasn't nearly as good as seeing with your own eyes and the headband gave me a massive headache, but it was still an improvement.

Luckily for the hero vs. villain simulation I got partnered with Uraraka, but we were going against, Kacchan. Knowing him he was just going to target me the whole time. "What's the plan?" Uraraka asked, as we climbed through the side window.

"We should probably lay low, at least until we know where the bomb is." I reply, it didn't take long through the maze of thin hallways for Kacchan to jump at me, yelling, and ready to blow my brains out. I managed to dodge the bright explosion but the left side of my mask was destroyed along with the headband and it left a small black blur in my vision, we only just started. "Are you ok?!" Uraraka asked in a concerned tone, "I'm fine." I said, we ran away from him, as I follow Uraraka I tried to memorize the twist and turns but it was too confusing.

Once we seemed to have lost him I said to her, "You should find the bomb while I distract him, once you find it I'll meet up with you."

"Are you sure? Your headband broke, you could get lost."

"I'll be ok, hurry up before he gets here." She ran off, as she leaves I also hear running coming from the other direction, it must be Kacchan. I ran to the opposite direction of Uraraka with my hands in front of me making sure I don't run into anything. I can still hear Kacchan chasing after me. "Don't dodge, I won't damage you so much that they have to stop the fight." He taunts, "but I gonna get it close." I thought of a plan, it's a risky plan, but a plan.

I stopped running but he continues, as I heard his fist snap in the air I grabbed his arm and slammed his body onto the ground in front of me. I took notes all the time on my voice recorder on different hero's ability and fighting strategies to learn how to be a hero, including on Kacchan. "For now on, Deku is the name of a hero!"I told him out of breath.

"Deku, even though you scared your still willing to fight," He mumbled to himself in a low growl, as he started to get up I see his hand light up with small but intimidating popping sounds. "That's what I hate about you!" He shot the ground with an explosion, I was confused since I could only see the light and not the rest of him, and as far as know he had never done that before. Instinctively, I put my arms up to protect my head, luckily I was able to block his kick. As fast as I could I try to wrap his leg with the capture tape, he grunts indicating he's going to punch again. I decide to abandon the tape to move out of the way, the wall behind me got blown up. He's going to be more cautious now, I heard his costume move. I ran away not wanting to repeat the same mistakes. "Come back here Deku! Hey! You tricked me, didn't you?! Was it fun tricking me all this time?! Huh! You've got a flashy quirk there, don't you?!" For whatever reason I feel bad for not telling him, that All Might gave me his quirk. It just doesn't feel fair to lie to him like this. "Try and get me with it! I'm still better than you! Don't forget it!" He continued to shout, Ding! I jumped, something scared me, but I couldn't tell what. "They're loaded." Kacchan muttered, I have no idea what he's talking about, but I must've ran in a circle, because now I hear him right in front of me. "Why wont you use your quirk? Are you saying you can win even if you don't use it? Are you underestimating me, Deku?" He continued to mutter. I'm petrified I don't know where I am, where I could run, or what's going on with the 'ding' noise. "You probably can't see it. But, my costume isn't just for show, it's been collecting my sweat the whole time for a huge blast!" I realized he was getting ready for a huge final move. I didn't know how I could avoid it, I didn't know if  I could avoid it, I couldn't even remember how far apart the walls were. I would normally just run across to the other wall to find out, but I might get hit with it if I move. "Young Bakugo, stop!" All might yells through the earpiece that he gave us earlier. I started to see a large ball of light pointed at me with a mechanical sucking sound. "He'll be fine! As long as he dodges!" Kacchan replies. At the last minute the light moved and was pointed at the wall, but the large beam scraped the sides of the hallway turning towards me, it hits me straight on, I was right I couldn't avoid it.

But, somehow I was still standing. Kacchan walked towards me, with the echo of his footsteps I could tell he knocked down every wall on the floor we were on. "Why won't you use your quirk?" He sounds calm but it wasn't hard to tell in his voice he was just one poke away from snapping. "Are you underestimating me?!"

"You're," said getting ready to cry but trying not to. "You're an amazing person, that's why I want to beat you!"

"You've been like this since we were kids.. Have you underestimated me since then, you bastard?!" He asked yelling more. Ding! I flinch, oh please, not again. "I'll force your to surrender even if your perfectly fine!" I hear him jump off the ground this time. I try to prepare to fight back but my foot slipped on the rumble, I punched the air. But, he jumps right over me and burns my back, and punched my side, grabbing my arm and slamming me back into the ground. I stood back up slowly and out of breath with my back sore from the burns and bruises, I had no choice but to use One For All. "Uraraka grab onto something! How far is the bomb from the front windows?!" I yell into the earpiece. "Um, 20 feet" She replied, I press my back to the front of the room even though it hurts. I run forward trying to mentally count the distance with each step. One, two, three, four, five, Kacchan was ran towards me head on, six, seven. I got ready to punch the crap out of the rest of the building once I reach 10 feet, eight, nine. Once I do Kacchan is only a foot away, I punch the area above me as hard as I could. The force causes my arm to bend backwards but the amount of adrenaline that was running through my veins prevented me from feeling the pain, passed out instantly.

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