Hisashi Midoriya

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I sat at my computer desk gathering new and organizing old information. I wondered how Izuku is doing? The last time I saw him in person was when he was six. I tried to visit as much as possible but I was always so busy with work, it had been years since the last time I visited.

I blew lightly on the cup of Ramen noodles on my desk to warm it up. I leaned back in my office chair and started to eat it in hopes that I could finish before the next skype meeting. When I was growing up I learned that not everyone was born equal. Some people have more power than others, I'm sure Izuku knew this as well. We all lived by this unfair rule, I was lucky enough to be born with strong quirk. But, people with strong quirks tend to walk all over people that have no quirk or a weak one. I know it sounds like something a villain would say, but it's not that far from the truth.

Sadly Izuku was one of those people that got walked on, the fact that he was blind doesn't help. When I returned to work when he was six, I hoped that the doctor was wrong when they said he won't get a quirk. I hoped he would develop a quirk to help him to at least get around easier without his sight. But sadly that never happened, even with the odds stacked against him he became the first blind and quirkless student at U.A.

I was very proud of him, but I had always wanted him to work next to me in the organization of people who are determined to make the world a better place. Taking action when the heroes aren't able predict everything.

But I'd hate to push some sort of family legacy on to him, he was still young he could've changed his mind.

I started to get a skype call, the third one to day. I sat back up and put the empty cup back on my desk, before taking the call.

"Sir, you need to come back to Japan the enemy's plan is already in motion," the man on the other line said.

A.N: The plot thickens

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