Izuku Midoriya

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Once the black spots in my vision had finally faded so I stopped wearing the sunglasses. After are first date we didn't hang out that much at school but we did a lot afterwards. We would study together quietly or go out and do something. Mom seemed less worried about me when I go out with him, probably because she was always worried that I'll run into traffic if someone wasn't with me.

This started to become routine, then one day my dad called. Don't get me wrong I loved my dad and he called all the time but this time he said something that I didn't expect him to say in a long time. He was moving back in with us, at first I felt overjoyed but then I remembered that it's been years, I don't know what he's like now is he still the same person or did he adopt other interest?

When he moved back in we barely saw him he was so busy with work, even when he did talk to us it felt like he couldn't care less about the conversation.

When Kacchan met dad for the first time it was right after school when he came by to study. "Oh, hello I'm Hisashi, Izuku's father." dad greeted properly. "Katsuki," he replied.

"...Bakugo...Katsuki?" the question lingered in the air longer than it should've.

"The fuck does that mean." Kacchan threatened, I facepalmed so hard I probably got a bruise on my forehead.

"Don't think anything of it," dad replied before leaving. We continued up to my room.

"Your dad already sounds like he has a plan to kill me," Kacchan said.

"Don't mind him, he just as a very black and white way of thinking," I explained

"How the fuck can he already hate me, we just met!" He complained.

"First of all, he answered every phone call from are kindergarten teacher saying that you beat me up. Secondly, he greeted you formally and acted like you couldn't give two fucks."

"I don't need your dad's validation. What does he even do for work anyway that he's away so much?" Kacchan asked we sat down hanging out on the floor of my room.

"I don't know, he never gave I straight answer, but I think he owns a rescue organization and gathers info on villains ya know, 'top secret stuff,'" I answered.

"It sounds like what you do already, why don't you work for them? You might as well get paid for being a huge fucking nerd."

"He did offer me internships multiple times. But it sounds so overwhelming, he missed nearly every Christmas because he was so busy with work and it's the main reason he came back in the first place. I want to do more with my life than that."

We settled down and did are work in silence for a few minutes, normally I would be spitting out random generic conversation starters just to break it. But this was a comfortable silence, "You got number six wrong," Kacchan said.

"Really? How can you tell?" I asked in amazement, I didn't realize he could read braille.

"It's not that difficult to figure out how to read it, it's the same language just the letters look different."

"I wish I could learn what normal letters look like, but it's not like I would be able to use it anyway."

"If you want to know that badly I'll teach you, gemme you hand," he said. I gave him my hand, he grabbed the back of my it with one of his hands and used the other to trace letters on to my palm with his pointer finger. I smiled softly to myself, as he said the name of the letter every time he drew one. "Don't look at me like that," he said.

"Like what?" I replied, I stood up on my knees inching my way towards him.

"It's" he replied a little quieter than before, "distracting." When he spoke I was close enough to him to pinpoint where his mouth was. I moved in closer and softly bit his bottom lip and pulled a little to tease him, I was able to feel him smirk.

When I let go, he pulls me back in for a rough kiss. I kissed back hungrily. I wanted him, all of him.

I put my arms around his neck with most of are bodies touching. As the kiss started to get sloppy he put his hand above the back of my knee and slowly drifted upwards until he was grabbing at my upper thigh.

He stopped kissing my lips and started to slowly make his way down my neck, biting and sucking. I undid the second button on his white button up shirt underneath his school uniform jacket.

The door opened suddenly, we both pulled away quickly and went back to how we were sitting before acting as if nothing happened. I heard the door close.

"Welp, I gonna go before your dad puts his plan for murder in motion," Kacchan said grabbing his backpack off the floor, my dad? Shit, now that I think about it I didn't tell anyone we were dating, we only made it official the other day. "Bye" I said while Kacchan left, dad walked back into my room, "We need to talk." He said while he closed the door again, "I'm fine with you dating guys but not if that guy is him."

My eyes widened in shock, he seemed to be more concerned with who I was dating than fact that we were practically getting ready to take are clothes off when he came in. "Trust me he really is a good guy, he admitted his faults and apologized," I explained.

"It doesn't matter, just date anyone but him," he repeated himself.

I took a deep breath, I did expect him to be so stubborn with who I was going out with. "You only met him recently, you can't hate someone based off what you've been told eleven years ago."

"Your mom told me that you came home with a bloody nose not too long ago, did you really expect that I would believe you ran into something."

"He's a better person now, I'm going to make my own decisions whether or not you agree with them, just trust that I'll make the right ones."

"Did you think that going to U.A was one of those 'right decisions,'"

"We aren't even talking about that. Are you implying that I shouldn't go to U.A?!" I asked, why did he change the subject like that and, what's wrong with U.A?

"You should at least transfer into a different department."

I was stunned by what he was saying. "I've wanted to be a hero since I was four and proved that I can be a hero. The last time I talked to you in person was when I was six, you can't just show back up and tell me to which classes I can and can't take!" I argued, pissed off from him thinking that I'll even consider giving it up.

"I only want what's best for you," He replied barley even faced from my reaction.

"Ok then, what do you consider to be 'the best'!?" I asked.

"Not a class that gets attacked by villains every other week." I sat there stunned didn't know how to respond to that, so I got up and left. Arguing with him was like arguing with a brick wall, but I bet the brick wall wouldn't make up stupid reasons for their argument.

During dinner dad told mom I was dating Kacchan, she didn't seem to mind and didn't think too much into what we were doing up stairs. Dad clearly wanted her to be more upset about the situation. Right after dinner dad went back up stairs to work, as I helped mom clean up. "He acts like he knows what's best for me, even though he doesn't actually know who I am as a person." I complained, while washing the dishes.

"I'm sure he's just worried about you." Mom replied, I rolled my eyes facing away from her, when people say 'I'm sure' it usually means they're guessing.

"I made it this far, I'll be fine." I told her.

"The scars on your hand say other wise." I pull my sleeve down, to cover the scars from the sports tournament. "I worry about you to," mom continued.

"That's different you support my decisions," I said to her, she sighed.

"Just be careful, I love you."

"I love you to."

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