I got tagged in a Q&A thing

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Q: Sexuality?A: 70% sure I'm straight

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Q: Sexuality?
A: 70% sure I'm straight

Q: Gender?
A: Female

Q: Happy?
A: I'm happier if that means anything

Q: Last Song?
A: The last song I listened to is UK Accent

Q: Hair Color?
A: Dark brown

Q: Zodiac?
A: Sagittarius

Q: Last person you kissed?
A: *Never had a first kiss* do moms count??? :)))))

Q: Fav color?
A: Pink

Q: Fav food?
A: Waffles

Q: Battery %?
A: 98%

Q: Celebrity crush?
A: every other blonde anime boy

Q: Fave vegetable?
A: Documentaries are the vegetables of the film world

Q: Eye color?
A: brown/black

Q: Shoe size?
A: More than big enough for your mom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Q: Dream job?
A: Comic book artist

People who are probably going to hate me for tagging them:

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