Izuku Midoriya

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I woke up in a sitting position to the sound of a heart rate monitor and a chemical like smell, I must've been in a hospital. With how bright the lights were I was probably going to have to take the eye drops again.

“Oh, thank god your awake I was starting to get worried,” Uraraka?

“You should’ve called for backup as soon as you realized what was going on,” Iida said.

Every muscle in my body was the sorest it’s ever been. I kept my head down facing my lap, I didn’t see a point in turning my head to the direction the sound is coming from anymore. It’s all the same burry mixtures of light. “Are you sure that All for One really is his biological father?” Uraraka asked Iida. I really hated the idea of thinking about what happened, I rather go back into a coma then listen to this.

“Yes, they did a DNA test to make sure,” Iida respawned. “All Might would be here soon, he’s just checking on Bakugo.” I open my mouth to ask if Kacchan’s ok, but all that came out were harsh sobbs.

He’s dead isn’t he.

It's my fault I didn't do more.

It's my fault I couldn't protect them.

It's my fault for not realizing sooner.

It's my fault for not getting back up sooner.

That frase started to play in my head like a broken record. I started to sob harder out of pure panic that the two people I cared about the most sacrificed themselves to save some as useless as me.

A sharp pain in my chest pulls me out of thought, I went from violently sobbing to a coughing fit. I started to cough up some sort of fluid, I covered my hand with my mouth as I gagged from it, it tasted like blood.

“Go get the nurse!” Uraraka yelled, she setted a bucket on my lap. I coughed and gagged into it, my lungs felt like they were gargling thick water when ever I breathed in. The more my lungs filled the more it started to burn, but all I could do was painfully try to suck in even the smallest amount of air. Someone shoved some sort of needle into me causing be to blackout.

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