Katsuki Bakugo

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I didn't understand why he was being so nice to me after yesterday, he was treating as if I never said or done anything to hurt him before in my life. I knew he thinks about all the horrible things I've done to him, he flinched every time I talked to him since we were kids. But yet, he still treated me like an old friend, why can't he just hate me. It would make my life so much easier.

After dinner he took me to his room as I expected had had All Might action figures across every shelf, I would normally think it was cool but since he was are teacher it just seemed weird and creepy. The floor was clean like seriously, I expected at least one dirty shirt on the floor. He had blue christmas lights out lining his bed and green ones out lining his desk, with all the lighting the room it could outshine the sun. "What's with all the lighting?" I asked.

"Oh w-well, it's the only way I can see colors, it doesn't work with warmed colored ones though." He mutters. He was rubbing his eyes violently with his sleeve.

"...Are you ok?"

"Yup," he replied but didn't stop, he would start to develop a rug burn soon if he continued. I was starting to get worried I've never seen him do that before. I walked over to him and lightly put my hands on his arms.

"Move your hands for a moment," I said softly he did so, I put my hand underneath his chin and turned his head upwards to face me, it's the first time in years since he looked directly into my eyes. He struggled to keep his eyes open for longer than a millisecond, his eyes were bloodshot, and watering so much you would think he were crying. "Does it hurt?"

"A little," He replied it was obviously bullshit, he wouldn't have that reaction if it only hurts 'a little' that shit looks painful. I reached over to the wall and turned off the lights.

"Did that help?" I sat down on his bed.

"Yeah, but now you can't see."

"I don't give a fuck at this point...Does that usually happen?"

"It didn't start until a couple months ago, I'm going to visit the eye doctor next week" I remembered him saying a while ago that he stopped going to the eye doctor because there wasn't a point anymore, his sight can't improve or get much worse. "What do you think is going on?" I asked, he hesitated before muttering, "....To be honest I think I'm going completely blind." I thought for a moment, for the first time in my life I tried my best not to sound like a asshole, "I understand that it hurts and stuff...but it's not like it would make your life any harder than it already is?" that was the most awkward and forced sentence I ever said.

"Your right but seeing light is thing that keeps me from feeling like I live in a dark room," He said while lying down on the bed next to me. "Now that I think about it, I can hardly remember what the grass and sky looks like, the hairstyle you had when were a toddler." As he listed he got quieter and quieter. "I've already forgot what some colors are for example: Orange and.. Yellow and...what my parents..look..like." He stopped, I gave him a hug while we were lying on the bed, I bet there's some weird softy word for it. I tried my best to be gentle because he was pretty delica- I meant weak person. He shoved his face in my shoulder and started to cry, I just layed there awkwardly. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't a comforting or empathic person.

"Thank you for caring," he said into my shoulder.

"Your dead if you tell anyone about this," I replied he chuckled at my response. I was serious though this wasn't a fucking game. I start to think about how he was in preschool running into stuff tripping on everything, I use to make fun of him for it, but that was before anyone knew what was going on.

When I blinked for a second Deku was already asleep laying on top of me. I checked my phone it was already 10 pm, I must've fell asleep to, and if things could get any worse I had twelve missed phone calls from mom. Welp, I lived a good life.

I tried to get out of the bastard's bed but I struggled since he was clinging on to my torso as tight as humanly possible. When I finally broke his grip I wanted to leave a note but it would be pointless to do so. Instead I kissed his forehead and spat out the window in discuste. I swear I turn gayer after 6:00 pm, at least I got more of Deku's affection in one day then what half 'n half would get in his entire life! Once I left the room I realized all of the lights in the house were off, his mom probably went to bed to. Once I limped to the living room I took a deep breath and made sure my phone was at the lowest possible volume before calling. "H-hey mom-"

"Where in the absolute fuck are you?!" I pull the phone away from my ear as mom screamed.

I said in the clamest voice posable, "I'm at Deku's house calm dow-"

"Don't tell me to calm the fuck down! I called the cops! You were supposed to come home six motherfucking hours ago! Why the fuck are at Izuku's house?!"

"He ran into to trouble on his way home from school an-"

"You better have not been the source of said trouble! But most importantly anyone hurt?!"

"Trust me didn't do anything wrong, but...."


I hesitated before answering, "...Define 'hurt'" She hung up. Shit. I was probably grounded for the rest of my life. I shoved my phone in my pocket, out of nowhere a car horn went off. I struggled to get to open the door to see my mom parked in the middle of the road at a weird 45° angle facing the house, we live fithteen minutes away from here. The only way she could get here in five second is to go 120 mph straight through other people's houses. I didn't realize that you could look worried, angry, and relieved all at the same time until that night.

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