Izuku Midoriya

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I walked down the sidewalk to go home, like usual. But, for whatever reason Kacchan is walking behind me with his heavy footsteps. I know for a fact that he lives in the other direction, we've been walking like this for ten minutes. "Where are you going, Kacchan?" I asked, he was starting to creeping me out.

"I'm walking you home, idiot." he replies.


"After you got attacked somebody needs to keep a eye on you!" He said, he didn't sound as angry as he normally did, that scared me more than if he was just as angry. Out of all of my other classmates why was he walking me home, did someone make him, or did he choose to? Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, he would hate me even more if he knew exactly why I enjoyed it. But it was just so out of the norm.

I slowed down so we could walk next to each other. "What's going on today you seem...happier than usual," I chosed my wording carefully.

"I dunno, I guess I haven't found anything to be angry about at the moment." he almost muttered, thats odd I thought my face made him angry.

"That's good, you sound a lot better when your calm."

"Everyone says I sound like a asshole when I yell," I wanted to tell him it's not just the yelling so bad, "what do you think?" Shit! I was hoping he wouldn't ask me, they're not wrong but if I agree with them he would punch me in the face.


"Oh come on! In elementary school I was the one who beated up the kids that bullied you for being blind!" He cuts me off.

"R-real, why?" He was all ways the person who teased and hurt me for not having a quirk up until we got into U.A, why did he draw the line at blindness.

"You had a tumor you could've died!"

"You told me to kill myself on that last day of middle school." He stopped walking, I stop as well and turned my head to face him for an a answer. "If you didn't want me to walk with you could've just told me to fuck off!" He stormed off, I continued walking forward. After everything that happened so far, I doubted he really wanted me to kill myself back then he was probably just looking for a reaction. Fuck, I must of ruined some sort of moment.

The next day I sat down at desk. "Hey Midoriya, do you know what's going on with Bakugo?" Uraraka asked.

"No, why?"

"He's been here for been her for five minutes and he didn't curse, or yell at anyone yet," she whispers.

"Are you sure it's him?"

"Only 60%," She answers. Two other people walked up to us, I knew for a fact one of them is Kaminari. He constantly had a static like sound to him, as far as I knew I'm the only one who noticed it.

"You guys know what's with Bakugo?" He asked.

"That's what we're trying to find out," I replied. "Did he talk to you?"

"He just said, 'Hi'" Kirishima answered, "You should talk to him, to see whether or not we're over reacting."

"I can't even tell if he's in the room." I replied, Kacchan always smells like smoke. But unless I can hear his voice, I don't know if it's him or Todoroki.

"Well he is," I swallowed hard at his response.

"H-hi Kacchan!" I greeted getting my books out of my backpack, to pretend I knew where he was in the room. "..hi Deku," he replied from his desk through his teeth like a bitter five year old saying sorry. We spent the rest of the time before class whispering about his odd behavior. He spent the rest of the day like that, when he yelled at someone he stopped halfway through and apologised, he didn't say another word to me. It didn't end after that day he was acting like that for the whole week, I wondered why now did he suddenly decide to put other people's feelings into consideration. Did something happen? Did he realize finally his faults? Was he sick? The questions in my mind started to pile up, I was itching to find out the answers. After class that day I finally went up to him "H-hey Kacchan, um," I immediately realized I didn't know what I was doing. "Why have you been acting...so much nicer than usual?"

"I dunno," he replied quickly as if he been mentally rehearsing it. I sighed out of frustration but he didn't acknowledge it.

"Please tell me, I want to know why you bullied me and all of a sudden decided to stop," I pleaded.

"Why the hell do you even care?!" Kacchan shouted.

"I don't know," I paused for a moment and wondered: why did I care anyway? I ran my hand through my hair. "I just thought maybe we can be friends again...like when we were kids," I replied sounding more pathetic than I wanted to. He had always been a huge dick to me, but as long as he was willing to change for the better I would except him.

"...Just.......don't," He muttered walking away, I would've asked him more but it was probably best not to push too much.

Blind Deku x Kacchan Where stories live. Discover now