Katsuki Bakugo

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I've always hated Deku, but didn't at the same time. When he first said he wanted to go to U.A it was probably the worst day of my life, the idiot always wanted to be a hero to help people not for the fame and the fortune like everyone else did at are old schools. He was the only real competition I had for getting into U.A and I felt threatened by that. So I bullied him telling him to not go because I thought U.A would only take one kid from are shity middle school. It was obvious that they would rather have Deku as a student over me any day. People respected him for his kindness and determination, people only respected me for my physical strengths alone.

So I was constantly flunting my strength since it was the only real 'hero' quality I had, looking down on others before they got a chance to look down on me. That was probably the one thing I regretted most: becoming a narcissistic asshole in order to mask my own insecurity, it was the only coping mechanism I had. I realized all that accomplished was bringing people down and made myself look worse in the process, how I realized that I'm not completely sure.

At first it was hard not to yell at Deku and punch him in the face every time I saw him. Granted I still acted like that everyone else, it wasn't my fault they all acted like idiots. But for the most part, I stopped talking to Deku. I wasn't mad at him or anything but it was..just...that he probably rather not talk to me, and on a completely unrelated note avoiding him was probably the closest I could've ever got to dating him.

I'm going to be honest I was probably low-key the gayest person at U.A, there wasn't a point to fight it anymore. Admitting my defeat I looked up 'how to get someone to date you' on my phone because that fact that Deku was scared of me made me feel worse and worse by the day. All that came up was cheesy shit like 'smile more' and 'compliment them'. I was already starting to give up hope, couldn't even look at the fucker without wanting to shove something through him in more ways than one. What the fuck was suppose to compliment him about anyway!? How the fuck can you date someone you treated like shit for so long?!

But one day he came to class with a pair of sunglasses, he always hated the idea of wearing them so why now? Wait, didn't he say the other day that his eyes were hurting? Fearing the worst I ran up to him panicked, "I'm guessing the trip to the eye doctor didn't well," I said a lot calmer than I actually was.

"Oh, no it really well actually," he said with a soft smile, he didn't flinch when I talked to him this time. "I just middley burned my retina, so my vision would go back to it's normal amount of shityness as long as I avoid bright lights and take eye drops."

"Well that's good," I said subconsciously with a small smile. If anyone saw that I was going to have to decorate the classroom with chunks of their body. By the end of class I debated whether or not to make another pathetic excuse of a 'move'.

"Hey idiot, I'm going to walk you home since I'm going that direction anyway." I said trying to sound harsh but it ended up falling flat. After he broke my pride the other day I was trying to piece it back together but clearly wasn't working. Deku nodded in reply, I didn't understand why I wanted to talk to him now I was still super jealous of everything he had ever worked for. Perhaps it was because I liked him....like, like liked him but I rather die than admit it out loud, I swear this fucker was making me more 'dere' that 'tsun' these days."Listen I'm only going say this once," I took a deep breath, "I'm really sorry for how I've been treating you for the last couple...are whole lives," I confessed.

"I forgive you," Deku replied a little too quickly for it to be genuine.


"No, I really do forgive you. You saw that what you were doing was wrong, stopped and asked forgiveness. You've matured a lot over a short period of time." He stated, I was still generally surprised that he was acting so nice to me. I doubted he cared about the reason why I tried so hard to change my actions. It wasn't like I stopped lashing out at people completely, just stopped doing it to him. I refuse to believe that he forgave me just like that, I don't deserve to be forgiven. But one day I will.

After I walked him home I walked back to my house. I laid in bed thinking about the fact that if we continue this, we could become friends like how we were before I got my quirk. But then, I started to wonder if I should fuck it up for a chance of having something more.

It was time to go back to the wikihow articles. I googled "how to ask someone on a date" and I just stared at it somewhat mad at myself for letting the gay thoughts win. When I pressed enter, a article popped up as I read it said shit like "be confident" I didn't think lack of confidence was my main problem. "Make a game plan" that's when it lost me. Every time I was 'nice' to him it was super forced, so talking and shit would be...difficult to say the least and that canceled pretty much everything. Not to mention I turn super soft and sappy when ever he got fucking near me, which was extremely embarrassing. I guess I could've took him to a movie. But how do blind people watch movies in the first place? I turned my phone off, shoved my face in the pillow and screamed as loud as I could without anyone being able to hear.

I couldn't believe I was planning to ask out the boy I bullied for most of my life. I'll do it just to get the it off my chest so I would just plan to be rejected, I'll get over it, start hating him again, and everything would go back to normal. I turned my phone back on and read the next section "don't just plan for failure," Well fuck you to, I turned my phone back off and threw that shit across the room onto a pillow. (Throwing my phone across the room was oddly something I did frequently enough to need a pillow for it.) I shoved my head back into my pillow and cried a little out of self-loathing and frustration, why did I fuck myself over like this?

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