Izuku Midoriya

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The man pinned me to the wall on the side of a building by my neck, like some sort of toy. He was probably some new villain, his hands were sweaty shaking, it wasn't clear if he wanted something from me. He tightening his grip around my neck, his breath was shaking as if he was trying to mutter something while digging deeper into the skin on my neck. It felt like it was closing in from the inside making it difficult to breath, this is it, this is how I die.

Then heard running and a bright light hit him where I assumed was the side of his face with a loud boom, leaving another black spot in my vision adding on to the others that won't seem to fade. It knocked him of balance letting go of my neck, I fell back on to the floor. "Hey asswipe! I'm going to kick your ass!" I recognized that voice anywhere, it was Kacchan.

"You should've brought back up!" I said, even though he had already let go, my neck felt like sandpaper.

"Don't worry I'll make sure it's a quick fight!" Kacchan replied, we didn't know what the villain's quirk we both could die, I stood up putting my back against the wall trying keeping track of where everyone was. I need to do something before one of us get hurt. I listened to where everyone was and what was going on as charged up my arm and legs like a battery.

Right has Kacchan was going to punch the villain. I used One For All to push myself off the wall as fast as I could. Grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him out of the alley. I ran out of the alley not too far behind and hid behind a building, I think we managed to escape but I don't know where Kacchan was. "Motherfucker!" there he is. I tried to walk into the direction of his voice. "Are you ok?" I ask trying to help him up but he got up on his own.

"I had everything under control! Did you think I couldn't win or something?!"

"O-of course I knew you would win, it's just...a bad idea to jump into danger like that, we should get home and let the pro heros do there job." I tried to answer carefully. He tried to take a step but hissed in pain, "Are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine, bitch!" He said trying to take another step but he just fell trying to put his weight on it. Did I really throw him that hard?

"I'll take you to my house to try to treat your wounds,"

"Why the fuck would I agree to that!"

"It's the least I could do after you tried to help me." He hesitated after hearing my answer to debate his opinions, then responded with a grunt. He put his arm around my shoulder and I helped him walk to my house.

"Hello darling," Mom replied while I was opening the door. "Hi," I greet, "Hello Mrs. Midoriya" Kacchan greeted as well. "Oh Katsuki, it's nice for yo- what happened?!" She asked when she walked into the living room, I let Kacchan sit down on the sofa.

"I was going to kick some ass!" He complained.

"We ran into a little trouble," I try to explain in a way that would make her less worried.

"Just look at you two, you're all beat up and bleeding!" She said, bleeding? I wiped my hand on my neck and felt a warm thick liquid. I guess I was bleeding. She put a badge over my neck and Kacchan's leg after clean are wounds, Kacchan wanted to leave as soon as possible but mom insisted on him staying for dinner.

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