Mitsuki Bakugo

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“Sorry about what happened to your son,” the officer said to me and my husband. “As a thank you from the Japanese government, we’ll cover all medical expenses.” We both sigh in relief, we were expecting to pay for Katuki and Izuku’s medication out of pocket. The officer leaves letting us have a moment alone in the waiting room, “What are we going to do with Izuku?” Masaru asked.

“That decision isn't for us to make,” I replied.

“Then whos decision is it?”

“...I don't know,” My heart was shattering more and more by the second. Poor Izuku won't have anywhere to go when he leaves the hospital. I couldn't help but wonder what will happen will he live by himself, get put in foster care, or move in with a friend? Who as a say in where goes now, he doesn't have a family anymore and isn't old enough to legally make those decisions for himself.

“Bakugo,” the nurse said, we stood up in unison. “he's now taking visitors,” she showed us down the hallway and we followed her into the room.

But, three other people have already beat us to him. There was a young boy with glasses and a girl that must've been his classmates with him along with a thin and tired looking man which I assumed was his teacher.

“...Mom...Dad” I look over to see Katsuki, his body was covered in badges and had a fabric arm brace on each arm. But my attention was drawn to the fact his right leg was cut off right below the knee. I covered my mouth holding back tears of pure horror and agony.

What did that horrible man do to you?

“Sorry Mrs. and Mr. Bakugo, that I wasn't there to do anything,” The thin man said to us.

“Stop making it sound like it's your fault!” Katsuki yelled at him. “Did anyone even bother to check on Deku yet!?” he continued, the girl swallowed hard, “He's having another lung surgery but… he wasn't exactly all there when he woke up earlier,” The boy answered.

“Da fuck is that supposed to mean!?” Katsuki asked.

“He went into emotional shock and punctured his lung. Not only that but he went mute do to the stress and guilt, so until he's able to speak again he will be treated as a injured and mental patient.” The nurse answered.

“Ment- do you think he hurted himself on purpose?! BItcH!” Katsuki yelled his voice cracked trying to fight back tears. “How does his mom feel abo-”

“His mother is dead!” I snapped everyone stopped and stared at me in shock, I look back at the ground ashamed of the sudden outburst. I didn't mean to raise my voice at him, I was just so pissed off at Hisashi. She loved him, she trusted him. Who the hell did he think he was to try to take my best friend and son away from me!

“Take me to him.” Katsuki snapped me back to reality.

“...what?” I asked.

“Take me to him!” he sneered.

“He's in the middle of surgery you can't,” the nurse argued.

“If you don't take me to his room so I can wait for him so help me, I'll hop there myself!”

“You can't be serious,” The young girl muttered.

“Watch me, bitch!” He sneered, he took the blanket of and started use the bed railing to help him up. We all ran towards him and pinned him back down to the bed shouting at him to stop, I held on to his burned hands to stop him from trying to use his quirk.

The nurse sighed out of frustration, “I'll let you guys share a room only if your parents approve.” Everyone looked up at me including my husband eagerly waiting for my response.

Kasuki had always looked at Izuku the same way Inko and Hisashi looked at each other. It was a beautiful yet dangerous thing felt for each other. “I'll allow it,” I replied, we all let go of him his eyes lit up at my reaspones but he tried to hide it. The only thing that Izuku had left with was his friends and classmates.

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