Katsuki Bakugo

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I sat in the nurse's office after the fight just kind of waiting for Deku to wake up or for someone to kick me out. I just glared at him in the chair I put next to the bed, the old bitch had already healed his injuries. I just can't believe that this bastard kept his quirk a secret all this time, he was probably laughing at me behind my back every time he said 'Kacchan your so cool' or 'I wanna be just as powerful as you someday.' Just thinking about it made me sick, and not to mention he had the audacity to hold back during the fight, as if he knew from the beginning that he could win without his flashy quirk.

Maybe he was going to, but just pulled back at the last minute like I did, just to piss me off! I didn't even want to look at his.stupid.fucking.face! I just thought, 'oh maybe I should pulverize him a little bit less then I want to, he is blind after all,' dumbest decision I ever fucking made! To be honest I didn't realize that the blast would hit him at all when I pulled my hand away. Now I lost the fight that couldn't even be considered a good fucking fight! Because this motherfucking bitch didn't think I was good enough for a real fight! But at least I was still standing at the end bitch! I didn't know if I was bitter because he didn't give his all, or the fact he won not giving his all, maybe both.

I decided to get up and leave before I beat him the chair or think something gay. Before I was able to open the door gravity girl and leg boy already beat me to it "Bakugo! Is Midoriya ok?" she asked not expecting me to be there.

"The basterd's fine," I reply trying to slip away but leg boy stopped me, putting his arm up to block my way. "You shouldn't take practice battles that far, it's unsafe an-"

"It's not a real victory if you don't try your best, so mind your own damn business." said as I forcibly push through, it's only the first month they probably already hate me. But, that's not my problem. I went home letting Deku sleep looking all peaceful and shit, acting like he's better than me. The next time I see him I'm going to punch him in the mouth with my mouth! Fuck that got gay quick!

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