Izuku Midoriya

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It's been a few days since we left the hospital, U.A is currently building dorm rooms for the students, so for the time being, I'm staying at Kacchan's house.

He still isn't completely used to the prosthetic leg yet so he still has a slight limp when walks. When he was showing me around the house we were both tripping over every little thing. Being the stubborn person he is he gets mad if anyone offers to help him, so a lot of the time I end up asking him for help just so I can help him get around.

I had really bad nightmares the first couple nights and especially in the hospital, I would wake up in the middle of the night panicked not being able to fully tell if it's real or not. Do to this I sleep with Kacchan to make sure that doesn't happen again.

It took a lot of convening to get his mom to not set up a baby monitor to make sure we're just sleeping.

It's comforting to sleep in the same bed with him, to hear his heartbeat, and to feel his chest rise and fall with every breath, it reminds me he's ok. "Had another nightmare, nerd?" he asked in a raspy voice.

"No," I reply, "I was just wondering how the training camp is going to go."

"I just think it's fucked up that we're going to have to take extra classes during the whole thing. We fucking survived the most world's most dangerous villain."

"We did miss a lot of classes though," I reply. When Kacchan got the news that we have to take extra classes he created a 25 powerpoint presentation on why we shouldn't have to, all of his reasons were debunked by the phrase 'you missed too many normal classes.'

Oh! And he also blew up a few hundred trees and has to do community service for a month because of it, but the whole presentation thing I wasn't expecting.

He clicks his tongue, "Shut the fuck up and go to sleep." He replies pushing the side of my head back into the pillow.

"Hey," I mutter wondering if he's still listening.

"What," He sounds irritated.

"I love you."

It's quite for a moment, "Yeah, yeah, now go the fuck back to sleep." I half chuckle at his answer, he thinks I'm oblivious but I can feel his heart racing in reply.
A.N: That's it that's the final chapter, I just want to say a few things you don't have to read all of this.

First of all, thank you so fucking much for all of the amazing support. Like damn y'all like this trash 😂 I generally didn't expect this to more than 50 reads.

Sorry if the chapters have details that are inconsistent. This is my first official fanfic, and I made the mistake of writing it out of order. Like I wrote the third chapter before writing the first one and so on.

All so I'm planning on making a bakudeku oneshot book because I have a shit ton of ideas but I don't have enough ideas or motivation to make them into there own story so look forward to that. Thank you again so much for reading. ^v^

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