Katsuki Bakugo

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The school year continued, we ran into danger a few times but no one died yet. I won the sports tournament, but only because half 'n half boy was being a little bitch and not giving me a real fight! But after that day for whatever reason, he started to act a little too friendly with Deku.

While we were in class they decided to work together on the worksheet. They were over at the other side of the classroom, talking and shit, acting a little too cheerful to be focused on math. I glared at them as I trying to figure what they were giggling about. Half boy probably said something along the lines of 'Oh Midoriya, you're the only thing that's truly pure in this world.~' And then Deku probably replied with, 'Oh Todoroki, you're so sweet.~' They continued to giggle, it made me wanna puke.

"Bakugo!" hair guy yelled, with his desk facing towards mine, he was my math partner.

"The fuck you want!"

"I been asking you, what you got for number five, for three minutes now!"

"8.5," I said, and stopped paying attention to hair guy immediately, and flipped to a empty page in my notebook and wrote down, 'Stop flirting and get your fucking work done' I ripped it out and folded it into a paper airplane an wrote 'read me' on the outside of it. I tried my best to aim it up perfectly so I wouldn't miss and hit someone else, and once I did, I threw that shit. It had hit that bastard on the side of his head and fell on to his desk, after reading the outside he opened it up slowly. He clearly didn't want Deku to find out about note I gave him, once he read it his face went red either from embarrassment or anger, he was pretty hard to read. He wrote something on the back of it, he froze the paper into a brick of ice right before he threw it at me. I scooted my chair back enough so it just barely missed my head, it hit the floor with a large smash. Everyone in the room jumped at the sound, "Quite down and do your work." Mr. Aizawa said from under his desk taking a nap. I kicked off the few remaining shards of ice on it before picking it up and reading, 'Focus on you're own work.' I wrote in my notebook in big letters, 'your*' I just held it up to show him, I didn't want to give him anymore aimo. He gave me a angry and annoyed look before continuing his work with Deku. "Can you guys argue about your sexual tension when it doesn't affect my grades," hair guy said just as annoyed as halfy over there.

My felt my ears turn red, "Sexu-? Ha! As if I go gay for that worthless Deku! He's just some weak little bitch!" I said playing it off, that was way to close.

"I didn't say anything about Midoriya." He replied, I was shocked at the words that came out of my mouth and his, I couldn't believe the gay were starting to winning. I tried to glare at him with more anger than embarrassment, but based of the laughter he was choking back I failed miserably. I clicked my tongue and started to gather up my things, "As if I would take shit from a dumbass like you." I muttered to myself leaving the classroom, I wasn't going to stick around for class if I was going to be laughed at the whole day. As I walked off campus my phone buzzed, it was text message from that hair idiot. 'I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to'

He did the most annoying thing posable and sent in a separate message, 'he would probably like you back if you stopped sounding like a angry asshole all the time.' I gritted my teeth blocking that fucker's number. As if I cared about Deku's opinion or take his advice.

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