Chapter 11- Uh Oh

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After a long breakfast at 'Owls And Hornets' me and Dan went out to the park.

"Did you like that place?" Dan asked me kindly.

"Ya it was really nice, thank you for breakfast Dan." I replied kindly. Then Dan began to tell me about how when his family would come to London they would always go there. 

Soon enough we were at the park near the playground and as soon as we saw the swings, we were both running over. Dan and I began to swing up and down.

Then the worst thing happened. Veronica walked over.

"HI DAN!" She screamed.

"Oh hi Veronica." I replied as Dan and I got off of our swings.

"Hi Miranda! Did you like the drink I made you? I added my special ingredient." She asked rudely twirling her hair.

"Ya puking was great. Now why don't you fuck off?" I added.

"Look bitch. I think you should fuck off and leave me and Dan alone." Veronica then pulled Dan close to her. Dan tried to pull away but he couldn't. I saw his face and I had to do something.

"Veronica can you just leave us alone?" I screamed walking quickly towards them. Veronica let go and turned to face me. Then she did the unexpected. She punched me straight in the cheek.

Black dots danced across my vision. Her fist came in contact with my head again as she punched me in the temple. I felt dizzy but I knew I had to fight back, yet I wasn't sure if I could. My head was throbbing and I was coughing madly. 

"What the hell Veronica?" I heard Dan scream. My vision was coming back so I could see Dan looking at Veronica sternly.

"Why do you want to hang out with that emo girl? She is ugly, fat, stupid, and weak look at her!" Veronica yelled back at Dan. I felt dizzy again as the insults hit me.

"Veronica, it sounds like I'm just like you." I threw back at her. Veronica gasped before walking over to me.

"Now look, you stay away from Dan, got it?" She whispered rudely before hitting me in the gut and strutting away. Dan looked at me and mouthed 'I'm sorry' before walking over to me.

Remember that feeling I had that Veronica was going to screw up something, well looks like this was that something.





I was just attacked by a gnat holy crap.

It's hotttttt. RAWR.

Mkayyyyyyyy Bye.


- Madisunshine

edited 11/06/14 i am doing lots of editing yay -theblackparade2022 (madison)

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