Chapter 13- Life Support

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"So what happened to her?" A paramedic asked.

"She was attacked. She was hit pretty hard across the cheek near her temple." I replied as I watched them stick an IV into her wrist. I winced as if they stuck it into me.

"We need an air mask on her she isn't getting enough air! Prepare life support just incase for me!" A medic yelled over the blaring sirens. I jumped up.

"Miranda! Stay with me!" I screamed running over to her. They had an air mask on her now and were pumping air into her.

"Dan sit down! Don't distract them!" Phil yelled pulling me back to my seat. I tried to pull away but Phil pushed me into my sit and I sat staring in agony.

"Life support now!" A nurse screamed turning it on. Tears came down my face and I began violently shaking.

Finally we arrived at A & E and she was whisked away into a room and me and Phil were told to take a seat in the waiting room.

*3 Days Later*

(Phil's POV)

Miranda has been in a coma for 3 days now. Dan has been not eating for those 3 days. Only the occasional cup of tea. Dan has only left the hospital to come to the flat and sleep while I have been in and out to film, edit, eat, sleep, and other functions. It's not like I don't like Miranda, I just have things to do.

"Mr. Howell and Mr. Lester?" A nurse says. Dan jumps up and runs to the nurse.

(Dan POV)

"Mr. Howell and Mr. Lester?" I hear the nurse say. I ran up to her hoping only for good news about Miranda.

"We have some bad news." She adds. My stomach sinks. Bad News? "Because she is still asleep, she has one more day until we take her off Life Support."

"You're gonna kill her? Are you insane?" I yelled in her face caused her expression turned from caring to shocked in a matter of seconds.

"Sir calm down please. You may see her now. Room 8792, down the hall on your r-." I don't even let the nurse finish. I ran up down the hall passing all the sick patients.




I take a deep breath before opening the door. Miranda was laying their. The color still drained from her face. She seemed relaxed with her eyes closed in a peaceful sleep. I wanted to see her beautiful blue eyes. But I couldnt and that killed me. There several machines hooked to her chest, throat, and wrists were beeping loudly.

I ran to her bedside and pulled up a chair. I grabbed her hand and lightly made circles on the back of her hand.

"Miranda, I need you to wake up for me. Please." I pleaded as if she could hear me. I placed my head onto her stomach and listened to her uneven heartbeat. Then I began to talk aimlessly hoping she could hear me and that she would wake up.



A/N: YAY RUBBISH CHAPTERS! Only Dan's POV was good. I am sorry. Phil will come in later I hope.

Do you guys want more Phil?

Mkay byeeeee


- Madisunshine

edited 11/26/14 oops i edited again x -theblackparade2022

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