Loki x chubby reader | Pretty girls

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HELLO welcome to my new chapter book I hope you guys like it because I'm working really hard to find time for these types of things....well that's all and enjoy.

971 Words

You were a little wider then the average girl witch gave you a lot of insecurities, you lived with the avengers in the very famous Stark tower or now as many call it the advengers tower.

You were sitting on the couch reading with your very handsome lover Loki. He had his head in your lap sleeping soundly and of course looking ever so majestic.

Smiling softly as you were playing with Loki's long raven hair your book now slightly discarded.

"Lady (y/n)!! How are you and my brother doing?!! Has he been treating you well?!!" Yelled Thor's booming voice. You heard Loki sigh and push his face farther into your lap.

"Yes Thor and please remember to use you inside voice" you responded sweetly.

"OH-er I mean yes of course lady (y/n) are you and my brother comming to the dinner with the rest of us? We are going to a very nice.....re..restaurant? At least that's what brother Steven had said"

Your eyes widen slightly and you stoped running your fingers threw lokis hair witch had caused a slight whine from him.

"Oh....umm I don't know Thor i...." You trailed off not really thinking of a fast enough excuse.

From hearing your distress one of Loki's eyes had opened slightly. "lady (y/n)? Do you have something already planed?" Thor asked.

You sighed "well...no bu-" "then I shall see you there!!!" Thor said interrupting you and then leaving the living room. " Love? " you heard a questioning voice say and looked down at the black haired prince.

"Yes Loki?"

" you seem upset did you not want to go? you know you could have told him no right"

You looked up at the ceiling and leaned back into the couch sighing "I know but... I just don't know if I want to go or not..."

Loki looked at you with confusion for in his mind he saw no reason a beautiful maiden like you seemed so upset by such a small thing.

"Well....love when it comes to the time to leave you can decide if you shall go or not"

You thought about it and you had decided Loki had a point so of course you waited till then.

                                                        ~ *••*~

It had been 7:32 you guys were going to leave at 7:40 only a few more minutes.

You looked at your self in the mirror in your and Loki's shared room your had on a tight long green and black dress and the sleeves went down to your wrists.

You turned to the side so you could look at your stomach and you did NOT like what you had saw.

You had saw like five tummy rolls and you were not happy about that and to you  it looked like your thighs were about to burst out of the dress almost like if you had bent down to pick up something your dress would rip in two.

Your eyes started to water up.

Sighing you had decided that going to the restaurant was not going to be an option closing your eyes as you took in deep breaths.

Since your eyes were close you didn't see Loki come in wearing his black tux or how his eyes hungrily roamed your body loving every inch of you in that dress, that green dress.

Loki walked over to you and rapped his long slim arms around you kissing your neck and humming.

"Love you look ravishing in this dress...I could take you now if we had not have to go to this restaurant. "

You had felt your face redden and you then opened your eyes and pushed Loki's arms away from you.

"I'm not going" you stated grumbling.

His eyes widened and filled with confusion.

"Well why ever not?" He said. " because I look awful and I'm too fat for this dress my skin is practically popping out everywhere.

His eyes filled with rage how dare you say such thing about yourself.
"fat?....fat? Love you are definitely most definitely not fat" his voice had lowered and you could hear the rage in his voice.

He had always hated when you talked so lowly of yourself.

"....b..but it's true" tears falling from your round face. As soon as he realized you where now crying his anger went away as he then again rapped his arms around you and turned you to face him.

"Love...darling look at me"

You slowly looked at his face and he pressed a tender kiss to your lips and said "your beautiful and don't ever let anyone say otherwise ok?"

You nodded your head and buried your face in his chest your face red from his sweet words. "I love you" you mumbled into the vest of his black tux.

He chuckled and rubbed your back "I love you as well darling" kissing the top of your head and then he pulled away slightly still holding you in his arms.

You looked up at him smiling before giving him a kiss this time with more passion the kiss had lasted for a long time before you had to pull away.

"So...do You Still wish to go?"

You thought about and and nodded your head yes and you later on were so happy you did.

You and the other avengers laughed and had a lot of fun and had a few drinks of course, you'll probably have a little migraine tomorrow but to you for all the fun you guys had it was worth it.

That's all guys I hope you liked and and bye~bye.

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