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Zi Wu Han and Lin Xi were still flirting when Zi Wu Han asked to try on one of the robes. Lin Xi immediately agreed, pulling him to the back. He almost drooled when he undressed. His back muscles moved at every movement. Lin Xi was in a trance when Zi Wu Han chuckled.

"How do I look?" He asked in a low voice.

"Uh.. good." Lin Xi dumbly answered as he admired Zi Wu Han who was adorned in a robe that he especially made for the crown prince. He still didn't realize it was the crown prince in front of him and continued to ogle him from top to bottom.

Zi Wu Han saw that Lin Xi's eyes were totally focused on him; he lifted his head, so their eyes meet. He smirked as he took off his mask revealing his true face.

Lin Xi widened his eyes in shock while Zi Wu Han took off his silk scarf from his face. He wasn't aware until their lips were pressed together.  Zi Wu Han didn't have the chance to go further when he was interrupted by his guard.

"Your majesty, the emperor requests for your presence."

Zi Wu Han glared at the guard for disturbing him when his beloved was finally in his arms. He rubbed Lin Xi's face before whispering in his ears, "I'll come back for you soon."


Lin Xi sulked in his room and distracted himself by designing jewelry. Ever since Zi Wu Han kissed him, he couldn't get that image out of his head.

He shook his head and started to draw out a design for a ring because there have been demands for jewelry in his store. As he completed the design, Zi Wu Han's face popped into his mind; he realized that he practically made the ring for him. Since he wasn't the type to leave an unfinished product, he gave it to the jeweler.

After the jeweler sent him the completed ring, he saw the final product of a single red rose in the middle with leaves wrapping the entire ring. Lin Xi stared at the ring for almost eternity before he threw it away – along with his feelings for Zi Wu Han. 

The bodyguard silently examined the scene he just saw before he swiftly sent the crown prince a message. With a speedy assessment of the situation, he went searching for the ring.

Lin Xi soullessly walked into his garden. He had a melancholy look as he stared off into space.

When Zi Wu Han read the message from his guard, his heart ached and couldn't bear to be away from Lin Xi any longer. He ran out and hopped on his horse trying to get there as fast as possible.

Arriving near Lin Xi's residence, he jumped over the wall and saw his beloved in a daze. He approached him just as their eyes met.

Zi Wu Han's heart jumped as he looked into Lin Xi's eyes. They practically sparkled. Lin Xi, who was daydreaming, saw Zi Wu Han walking in with a magnificently made robe with a dragon sewed on showing the prestige. His heart skipped a beat since this man was all he thought about ever since he left. However, that lasted only for a moment and he angrily glared at the man who was going to be engaged to some princess.

Zi Wu Han saw his beloved glaring at him and realized that he probably heard about the rumor. He desperately wanted to explain himself but now was not the time.

"Your majesty, is there something you need?" He coldly asked.

Zi Wu Han winced at his tone of voice. He immediately wanted to get on his knees and apologize.

The more Lin Xi looked at Zi Wu Han, the more sorrow his heart felt.

I don't know why I feel like this. I have never been so conflicted in my previous life. It's probably because no one had ever given me so much attention and love.

As his negative thoughts poured in, his eyes began to tear up. In that instant, Zi Wu Han noticed his beloved crying and he panicked.

"Wipe away your tears, princess. I will always be with you." Lin Xi heard these words and the image of the past flooded into his mind. Zi Wu Han said these exact same words to him when he was younger which caused him to cry even more.

"Lin Xi, what's the matter?" Zi Wu Han tried to wipe away his tears when he slapped his hand away.

"Zi Wu Han, you bastard! How dare you go marry some princess from another country! You liar! You said you loved me!" Lin Xi sobbed.

Zi Wu Han couldn't bear to see his beloved so distressed. He picked him up and brought him back to his bedroom. Although Lin Xi was no longer in tears, his eyes were slightly red from crying.

Zi Wu Han held Lin Xi in his lap and couldn't bear the temptation in front of him. He pressed his lips over Lin Xi.

Lin Xi gasped which allowed Zi Wu Han to push his tongue inside his mouth. Lin Xi pushed him away as he was running out of breath. When Zi Wu Han finally let go, his face was flushed and he scowled at the perpetrator.

"Don't you have a fiancé? Let go."

Zi Wu Han didn't give him the chance to leave him. "Lin Xi, don't misunderstand."

"The rumor isn't true. I don't plan on marrying anyone other than you." Zi Wu Han whispered to Lin Xi. In response, he got slapped.

"I'm a man. You idiot," Lin Xi harshly said.

Zi Wu Han smiled warmly, "Don't worry. My mother approves of our relationship and she can persuade my father. I explained that the general has treated me very well. It's only reasonable to return the favor."

"We aren't in a relationship." Zi Wu Han silenced him with another kiss. In the end, the ring he designed ended up on his finger and a matching one was wrapped around Zi Wu Han's finger.

Back at the palace, the emperor got a message from the king of the neighboring country asking for marriage, if they want to have peace between the two countries which sounded like a threat. The emperor had a headache because he just promised his wife to accept Zi Wu Han's beloved as the princess. He didn't want to go into war since they don't have enough forces and strength. He contemplated before responding and sending it out to the king.

When Zi Wu Han came back, the emperor announced the news of his engagement with Princess Fei. He was outraged and refused but the emperor didn't have another option of defending against a powerhouse kingdom whose military strength exceeded them.

The next day, the engagement was spread throughout the country and Lin Xi frowned at the news. The crown prince never came to clarify which left him befuddled. Instead, an invitation from the empress came asking him to come have a meal with her.

He entered the palace and saw an elegant lady sitting by the pond. She had a few wrinkles that showed her age, but other than that, she hasn't exposed any flaws as she sipped her tea with a graceful posture.

When she saw Lin Xi, she smiled warmly as she beckoned him over. He bowed to greet her, but she pulled him up and they talked as if they have known each other for ages. She thanked him for taking care of her son for all these years.

The empress and emperor had to leave Zi Wu Han at General Lin's residence for protection because of a conspiracy within the palace. When the crown prince was born, assassins sneaked in and tried to murder their heir to the throne. Since the emperor loved the empress and refused to have concubines resulting in only one heir: Zi Wu Han. Because there was only one, he was in danger especially being so young.

Before Lin Xi left, the empress comforted him, "You don't have to worry about Xiao Han's engagement with the princess."

"I trust him." She paused and scanned his face to see a determined look.

She smiled, "If he ever bullies you, you can tell me." He laughed in response.      

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