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Soon, only the top three paintings were left. Wang Xiu Ying stood near the front and smirked. She was confident that she was number 1. Since her rebirth, she has been cocky especially since a lot men always flocked to her side. With a smile, they agreed to any of her requests. She thought that she had everyone wrapped around her finger.

She glanced at Zheng Ru who was in the corner playing on his phone and sneered at him. He was not paying any attention to the judges or the paintings, he just looked bored.

When they revealed the last painting, Wang Xiu Ying was flabbergasted because hers wasn't in the top ten. 

Due to her conceited personality, she neglected her painting skills. She submitted a poorly painted piece, but in her mind, it was perfection. The competition was open to all students, so they accepted all applications, but anyone with eyes could see the quality of her work.

With only one single glance, the judges could see the amount of effort someone put into a painting. The last painting was the one everyone was focused on during the entire competition.

"I believe that this painting deserves first place. You can clearly see the hard work placed on this piece. The different types of red contrast very nicely with the whole painting. I find it hard to point out any mistakes," Taylor, one of the judges, praised.

The other judges nodded in agreement.

"I actually want to meet the talented artist behind this painting," Taylor added.

The students and principal were shocked because every year, the judges would leave right after they presented the scores. Taylor was invited every year and he was the most critical of the paintings. Getting "Nice Job" from him was a miracle.

The principal quickly looked at the back of the painting where the name 'Zheng Ru' was written.

"Zheng Ru?" He called out.

All the students were shocked because many knew of that name from the article that was posted on the school's main page.

How could a person who shamelessly seduce men create such an amazing painting?

The person in question was still clueless as he was absorbed in playing his game. A classmate noticed Lin Xi in the corner called him.

"Zheng Ru, the principal is calling you."

"Ah? Is it time to leave?" Lin Xi looked up from his phone and asked.

"No... One of the judges want to meet you."

Lin Xi wasn't aware of what occurred and walked over to the front of the room.

When Wang Xiu Ying heard his name, she exploded.

How many times are you going to mess with my life?!?

Seeing that Taylor and Zheng Ru was introducing themselves, she swiftly interfered.

"Wait! Mr. Taylor, I don't believe Zheng Ru deserves first place." She called out.

"Oh, why is that?" Taylor raised his eyebrow

"Please look again at my painting. I think that mine could beat his." She pleaded.

Taylor was an impartial person who could sees talent from an artist's piece of work, not from their face or background.

He nodded to give her a second chance, but he won't doubt his eyes. Zheng Ru's painting far surpasses everyone's in this room.

When Wang Xiu Ying brought out her painting, everyone could see the value of her work. Taylor had an indifferent face as he examined her painting. She held her head high and smirked at Lin Xi.

However, her hopes were quickly crushed by Taylor's words.

"You shouldn't hold a paintbrush ever again. I can see from this painting that your heart is tainted and dark. Your soul is full of greed. Looking at it would pollute my eyes."

She was shocked by his words while the other students and judges understood what Taylor meant. It was obvious to see even without an artist's eye; a child could see the effort and energy put into the painting.

Wang Xiu Ying's face turned red from embarrassment. Under the stares of everyone, she ran away in tears.

After she left, Taylor turned back his attention towards Lin Xi and praised his painting. Then he handed him an invitation to 'Royal College of Art' – it was one of the top schools for art and design.

"I expect to see you there." Taylor said as he left.

"Thank you." Lin Xi sincerely thanked him.

On the other hand, the female lead tearfully left the school when she suddenly bumped into someone.

"Are you okay?" The man caught her before she fell.

Wang Xiu Ying was surprised, but immediately recognized the man. He was an investor who helped Zheng Ru become famous in her last life.

With a plan in her head, she acted like she was in pain.

"My foot...." She said with tears in her eyes.

The man looked at her beautiful face and gorgeous body which made him fall for her in a second. Carrying her in a princess hold, he brought her back to his home.

System 1314 was tracking her and witnessed everything. It rapidly reported everything that occurred.

Lin Xi who was back at his apartment, smiled at Wang Xiu Ying's tactics.

Zhang Yong heard that his lover won the painting competition and got an offer to a well-known school overseas. He panicked thinking that Zheng Ru was leaving him. He ended work early and ran over to Zheng Ru's apartment.

He opened the door to see Lin Xi laying on the couch completely engrossed on his phone. His lover wasn't even aware that he came in.

He's too careless. Not even conscious of his surroundings.

"Darling, what if I was a kidnapper? You didn't even notice." Zhang Yong grabbed his phone away from his lover's hand.

"I knew it was you," Lin Xi smiled sweetly at him. He didn't put up his guard because he knew Zhang Yong would never hurt him.

"I heard you got an invitation to attend the 'Royal College of Art'. Are you going?" He asked nervously.

"Of course. I won't miss out on such an opportunity," He cheerfully responded.

When Zhang Yong heard this, his face hardened and he tightened his hold on his lover.

"No! You're not allowed to go!" He didn't care if he had to chain him down, his lover wasn't leaving him.

As dark thoughts entered his mind, Lin Xi looked at him weirdly, "Aren't you coming with me?"

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