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Lin Xi laughed at his lover's reaction.

"Hahaha, did you think I would leave you?"

Zhang Yong couldn't answer due to the silly thoughts.

"You're too cute!" Lin Xi pulled him into a deep kiss. His lover's member immediately reacted. Zhang Yong rubbed against him making Lin Xi cry out loud.


The next day, as Lin Xi was walking towards the classroom, he heard faint sounds of someone moaning.

Who's so bold to do it in school?

Lin Xi followed the sound to an empty classroom and peeked in to see vague silhouettes.

Having a closer look, he saw Wang Xiu Ying and an unknown man.

Of course, it's the female lead.

He was about to leave because he wasn't interested in hearing her having sex but stopped when his name was mentioned.

He took his phone and began recording because she isn't the type to sit on the side silently. Due to her influence, her sister became a lowly employee. There's no way she didn't have a motive against him - someone who repeatedly defeated her.

"Darling, make sure I get into the 'Royal College of Art'." Lin Xi got goosebumps from her voice.

"Don't worry, I'm one of the investors. I can surely get you in." The man kissed her.

Trying to get in from the back doors. What a schemer.

"About Zheng Ru...."

"Didn't you show me the article that you wrote? I can definitely get him kicked out before he even enters," The man comforted her.

Wang Xiu Ying wasn't going to be satisfied until she knew that his chances were destroyed.

"Darling, I want to be certain that he could never become a famous painter." She pulled him closer to show her cleavage making his eyes redden in desire.

"Just send some men over and he'll surely spread his legs for them. Focus on us." The man pulled off her clothing and made her moan.

UGH. My eyes and ears are tainted.

Lin Xi quickly walked away making sure he had all the evidence in his hands.

Even though he wasn't a hacker, he could easily edit the video and post it online. Putting the school's name would undoubtedly get a lot of attention.

Student wants to get in the 'Royal College of Art' through the Back Doors

Although some students would occasionally get in through convenient ways, it was never exposed. But now, the school's reputation was on the line.

The video clearly showed both of their faces. When the investor's identity was uncovered, the school immediately rejected his investment and made sure that they weren't connected in any way.

The school also made sure to ban Wang Xiu Ying from ever attending in order to clear their good name. They thought that she probably didn't have the talent and ability to attend which is why she used such underhanded means to seduce an investor.

While Zheng Ru was never mentioned in the article, his name popped up in the video allowing viewers to speculate. They discovered that both students currently attended the same college and someone posted an article degrading him.

After seeing the video, viewers found out that Wang Xiu Ying was the one who posted it and planned to destroy Zheng Ru's promising career. She was jealous of the fame he was gaining and decided to expose his sexuality, but his artistic talent outshined everything.

Students from their school even commented that Zheng Ru was incredibly gifted and won the annual painting competition in which Wang Xiu Ying tried to interfere in but failed. He actually received an invitation to attend the 'Royal College of Art' through his own ability which made the viewers have a better opinion of him.

Many classmates also commented that he was not a shameless person trying to seduce men right and left. Apparently, he had a lover and he is very dedicated to them; they didn't believe that he would cheat.

Now that all Wang Xiu Ying's deeds were exposed, everyone obsessed with her realized how evil her heart was - including the investor. He found out that she was just using him in order to get rid of his competitor.

The female lead never expected everything to be revealed. Due to the scandal, no top art school would accept her and she entered a mediocre school. However, many students were wary of her due to her past and refused to cooperate nor communicate with her leading to a dull and lonely life.

Why did this happen? I was the one who got a second chance in life. I was able to rebirth, so why didn't anything go my way?

Zheng Ru, whose image was cleared had an easy path towards success. He went overseas and attended 'Royal College of Art'. He soon became an international superstar in the art world.

System 1314: Host, you're task is complete; are you staying here?

Lin Xi: Yes.

System 1314: Then, I'll meet you back in the greenhouse.

As soon as he arrived on the foreign land, Zhang Yong dragged him to get a marriage license since it was legal here. They also moved in together and the walls were always littered with his paintings.

Every time, Lin Xi created a piece of art, his lover would use every means necessary to get his hands on it - whether it was an auction or not - his paintings eventually landed in his possession.

A/N: End of 2nd arc.

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