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After Lin Xi tucked in Xia Chen, he took a shower. He was about to plop onto the bed and pass out when there was a knock on the door. He opened to door to see Shen Heng. Lin Xi widened his eyes in shock while Shen Heng was also appalled.

In Shen Heng's eyes, the exposed collarbone and the beautiful plump lips made him have unthinkable fantasies. The scent of strawberry shampoo lingered in the air along with the slightly wet hair had Shen Heng wanting to make the boy cry and moan his name.

Lin Xi saw that the other man's eyes were staring at his lips without blinking. His lover's instincts were strong despite having no memories of their past life, but he didn't plan to forgive him so easily. Shen Heng made Shen Jin suffer, so he had to have payback.

"Brother?" Lin Xi asked while he looked down at his toes.

"Why aren't you looking at me in the eyes?"

Shen Heng lifted his chin up, forcing their eyes to meet. He saw the boy blush as his hand wandered up and rubbed the beautiful, red lips.

"Brother told me that I'm not allowed to look because my eyes are disgusting."

Lin Xi's voice faded as he finished his sentence. His eyes evaded the other and he started to shiver involuntarily. Whether he was scared or excited, Lin Xi wasn't sure because Shen Heng used his other hand to hold his waist closing the distance between them.

When Shen Heng saw Shen Jin in the hospital, he felt like the man was a different person. Shen Jin had the same face and doing the same actions, but he knew that this person was born for him. Shen Heng's inner desire exploded and he wanted to be even closer to the other.

"Look at me." His magnetic voice rang in Lin Xi's ears making them red immediately. Lin Xi turned his head to face his lover and Shen Heng leaned closer. Lin Xi should subconsciously closed his eyes when there were only a few centimeters left.

"Big brother!" A youthful voice broke the atmosphere instantly. Lin Xi opened his eyes and pushed away Shen Heng.

That pervert almost tricked me! I won't let him take advantage of me so easily! Good job Xia Chen!

Lin Xi praised the boy as the other ran up to him.

"Big brother, are you okay?" Xia Chen looked at him with concern before glaring at the perpetrator.

"Hey uncle! Don't bully big brother Jin!" The little boy spread his arms out protectively.

Lin Xi almost broke out into laughter when Xia Chen called Shen Heng uncle. Seeing his lover's face turn black, giggles left his mouth.

Shen Heng's face twitched due to his cousin's words. He was only 28 years old and only a few years older than Shen Jin. He wasn't that old.

Shen Heng felt helpless after hearing Shen Jin laugh. His cousin also interrupted them when they were just about to kiss. He was still annoyed about that, but he was quickly kicked out of the room by the tiny runt.

He had no choice but to go back into his room and wait for tomorrow.


Lin Xi woke up in the morning without the help of the system. Just as he finished placing all the dishes on the table, Shen Heng came down. Lin Xi was shocked because it was unexpected that he was able to wake up by himself.

"Shen Jin, come to work with me."

"Ah?" Lin Xi paused before replying, "I need to take care of Xia Chen."

"He'll be fine with the butler and maids." Shen Heng shut down all of his excuses, so Lin Xi could only acquiesce.

On the way to the company, Lin Xi was dragged into the car with Shen Heng. They had a driver, so they sat in the back seat. Sheng Heng pulled him to sit right next to him where they were practically glued to each other.

Shen Heng brushed the hair out of Shen Jin's face making him flinch in fright.

"Brother?" Although Lin Xi had to continue his OOC task, he wasn't going to let his lover do whatever he wanted.

"Call me by my name."

Seeing Shen Jin's watery eyes, Shen Heng had a desire to mess him up and push him under his body. Before he had a chance to do anything, they arrived at the company and Lin Xi fled as soon as possible. Seeing the fleeing back, Shen Heng smiled and chased after him.

Reaching the top floor of the company, Shen Heng lead Lin Xi into the meeting room where ten employees were already inside. When they saw the president come in, everyone stood up to bow.

Lin Xi saw that the female lead, Tang Xuefeng and the male lead, Xie Yan was present at the meeting. The other employees also noticed the man that came in with the president and began speculating their relationship. Eyebrows were raised when Shen Heng pulled the man to sit next to him.

"Alright, let's begin." Shen Heng announced and the employees one by one pitched ideas about the upcoming fashion show.

Lin Xi listened in as Shen Jin had no memory of this and the original plot focused on the romance between Tang Xuefeng and Xie Yan. Shen Heng was just the supporting male lead that was used to improve the relationship between the two.

If Lin Xi never transmigrated into Shen Jin's body, Shen Heng would be currently pursuing the female lead. He would have definitely pick Tang Xuefeng's idea in order to gain her attention. Lin Xi smirked and decided to see what his lover would do since the next speaker was Tang Xuefeng.

"I think we should hire popular models to attract more attention and exposure on our clothing line. Fans would be more willing to buy clothing worn on their favorite model,"

Tang Xuefeng spoke with confidence and even passed around some statistics around the room to prove the increase of customers. After she finished her speech, everyone clapped, and an embarrassed look was shown on her face.

Unlike everyone's admiration for her, Shen Heng had an indifferent expression. He glanced at Shen Jin to see a slight smile on his face which showed his interest. Lin Xi wasn't interested in her idea, but the shy demeanor Tang Xuefeng had. He was expecting her to be his love rival in which she would be scheming against him to gain the power and wealth from Shen Heng, but from that one look of hers proved him wrong. She was genuine a white lotus (someone who looks innocent and pure).

In the previous worlds, there had been many enemies who were clashing with him in order to gain the attention of his lover, so he was suspicious of her initially. Normally, his rivals would try to seduce his lover and this scenario would have been a perfect set up where Tang Xuefeng would be staring at Shen Heng with seductive eyes.

The female lead made no attempt to look at his lover for more than a few seconds during the entire meeting. Even when she was speaking, she stayed professional and when she finished, there was no prideful expression or condescending look to show her superiority.

Shen Heng, on the other hand, had his eyes on Lin Xi the entire time and spare no glances for anyone. He saw that the youth was staring at Tang Xuefeng during the entire speech and he was getting jealous.

Look at me! Your eyes should be on me and no one else!

Shen Heng didn't dare to say these words out loud, fearing that the man would get scared and run away from him.

If Lin Xi heard what Shen Heng was thinking, he would definitely smack him on the head because it was normal to stare at someone when they were talking. Not everyone was as possessive as Shen Heng who needed his attention 24/7.

Everyone was still clapping for Tang Xuefeng and Shen Heng was sick of hearing it, so he held up his hand causing all the employees to go silent immediately. Despite their faces filled with praise for her, they paid extra attention towards the president. Rumors spread that president Shen was trying to chase after Tang Xuefeng which is why all the employees were attempting to get on her good side if she was going to be the future president's girlfriend or even wife.

Shen Heng turned to Lin Xi and asked for his opinion, "What do you think?"

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