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Every day, Lin Xi would get a letter from Zi Wu Han delivered by his bodyguard. When he heard of Zi Wu Han traveling to the neighboring country, he would accept the message but never respond. He only stared down at his ring and rubbed it with fondness.

Lin Xi asked the system to monitor him, but sadly, he didn't have the power to. The system felt slightly useless but suggested that he could create a man that looked like Zi Wu Han just like the time he created Lin Yu. Lin Xi glared at the system causing it to quiet down.

Lin Yu saw that his brother had a somber expression these days and decided to cheer him up with Chen Bai. Although, Chen Bai didn't like Lin Xi, he could see that Lin Xi was in grim mood even when he said snarky comments.

Lin Xi saw that his brother and Chen Bai was truly in love and couldn't bear to separate them. Since they no longer affect the plot, there was no need to but seeing them showing each other such deep affection, he missed Zi Wu Han. As he thought of him, his eyes would water with tears. Lin Yu and Chen Bai saw this and went into a panic trying to brighten his mood.

When this reached Zi Wu Han's ears, he couldn't wait to end Princess Fei's life. A person who hurts his lover shouldn't exist in this world.

Princess Fei noticed that the crown prince was staring at her making her blush. When he arrived, she excitedly invited him for tea. She started to talk about their marriage plans; however, he was emotionlessly staring at her without answering. She smiled and ignored it because she didn't care if he was content about their engagement because he would learn to love her as time pass.

I bet it was that bewitching fox that seduced the crown prince! If not, he would happily marry me. I am a princess from a powerful nation, a nobility while his little mistress was only a commoner, someone who was not worth anything in her eyes.

She confidently thought and drank some tea to calm her angry nerves while Zi Wu Han focused on her, making sure that she swallowed. He smiled but only for a moment before reverting back to his indifferent face.

After a few days with discussion a peace treaty with the king, Zi Wu Han was finally able to rest. In the treaty, it stated that Zi Wu Han would be married to Princess Fei in six months and the two nations would be at peace as long as they were happy and healthy. Even though, he signed it, he didn't plan to keep his word since he wasn't happy and she wasn't healthy.

He smirked and heard a commotion over at the Princess's residence.


He rapidly left to return to his country where his beloved is. When he left, Princess Fei was having a hysteria attack.

"What are you staring at?! Who do you think you are?!?! I'm a princess of this kingdom! You are just a lowly servant!"

She yelled at her maid who was trying to calm her down. Usually, she would put on an act of an innocent and kind girl. But today, she spilled out all her inner thoughts.

When the other servants began to gather around her residence, she brought out a knife from who knows where and started to attack the unarmed servants.


The king was notified and immediately rushed over to see the chaotic scene. His precious daughter who normally composed herself in any situation was acting like a lunatic.

The doctors finally gave her a drug to make her unconscious, but the scene was already a mess. There was blood splattered everywhere and bodies littered.

The entire event that occurred in the palace was quickly spread throughout the kingdom and all the citizens heard of the crazy Princess attacking innocent servants. They pitied the crown prince who had to marry her.

The king had no time to worry about the rumors and hovered over his daughter while the doctor felt for her pulse. Her face was pale and ghostly.

"Doctor, what's the matter with Xiao Fei?" He anxiously asked.

The doctor had a grave face answering, "King, the princess seems has been poisoned."

The king was enraged due to the doctor's diagnosis of his daughter.

"The princess would continuously have these panic attacks and they would eventually get worse as time went by. There is also no antidote for such a disease because it's very rare in our country. It's more common in the neighboring land."

The king interrogated everyone in the palace and they all said that the princess has been with crown prince Han for the last couple of days.

Princess woke up a few days later and as the doctor predicted, she ruthlessly tried to kill her maid.

Despite restraining her, she was able to escape and even tried to kill the king, her own father. The king fainted in fright, he couldn't believe that his dear daughter had turned into a monster.

In the middle of the night, without anyone's knowledge, the princess disappeared.

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