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The next day, Lei Yi watched Lin Xi pace around the garden in a concern manner. After they went back inside, Lin Xi's gloomy atmosphere disappeared and he calmly drank tea and munched on snacks. Lei Yi saw this and couldn't help but ask.

"Young master, are you worried about the crown prince? You should forget about him! He betrayed you!"

As Lei Yi fumed, Lin Xi laughed at his servant that was getting angry for him. He motioned him over and whispered, "The walls have ears."

Lei Yi stared in confusion causing Lin Xi to sigh. "Someone may be listening."

Again, Lei Yi didn't understand. Lin Xi just let him ponder it over as he gazed at his ring.


At night, the moon was shining brightly and the entire General's residence was in silence when a dozen masked figure entered with daggers in their hands. They approached the door and was about to sneak in when another black figure jumped from the tree wielding twin swords. He gripped one in each hand.

They went into combat and the single black figure was surprisingly not overwhelmed even when fighting against a dozen opponents. He quickly defeated half of them, but since their weapons clashed, noises woke up attracted the guards of the residence.

Lin Xi was woken up by the system and went out to see figures in the midst of a battle. A masked enemy spotted his target and rushed to stab him. Lin Xi became aware of the incoming danger and smiled making the enemy shiver.

The black figure who was in charge of protecting Lin Xi tried to hurry and block the attack. His master would rip him apart if anything happened to this young man. He was required to give daily observations to his master and ensure the young man's safety.

Lin Xi pulled out a black fan that was decorated in gold patterns to block the attack. To the enemy's surprise, the dainty, weak-looking man stopped his attack.

Before the enemy could strike again, Lin Xi closed his fan and thrusted it towards the masked man's heart. Unexpectedly, the man fell with no sign of life. The rest of the masked men were wary, but they had to listen to their mistress's order.

Lin Xi opened his fan and under the moonlight, he looked like an elegant fairy as the breeze slightly moved his robe. His eyes, although gorgeous had a murderous tint. Just as the men drew their daggers, Lin Xi went around and tapped all their hearts without warning.

With their eyes wide open, they never comprehended what occurred and the last thing they saw was an enchanting beauty in disguise.

In his past life, Lin Xi took a class in acupuncture as an elective and was so glad he did, in spite of all the torture he had to go through in memorizing more than four hundred acupuncture points.

After all the commotion, Lei Yi and the guards came rushing over to ensure that the young master was okay. When they came to Lin Xi's residence, they witnessed an unusually scene: his young master was glaring at a figure covered in black clothing who was kneeling with his head down. Lin Xi knew that Zi Wu Han had sent a guard to shadow his every move or else he wouldn't have found the ring that he threw away.

"If your master ever steps into my sight, I'll skin him alive." Lin Xi spitted out.

The black figure was silent before replying, "I will pass on your message."

Lin Xi was irked and dismissed him when Lei Yi screamed when he noticed all the bodies lying died on the ground.

"Young master! What happened? Are you injured?"

Lin Xi who was lacking sleep only responded, "Dispose of them."


When Zi Wu Han heard of the incident that occurred at Lin Xi's residence, he was enraged and threw the tea cup in his hand causing it to break and crash on the floor. The servants heard this and stayed further away from the crown prince.

Ever since the announcement of his engagement of Princess Fei, he has been infuriated and no one has been able to approach him other than his bodyguard who gave him daily messages on Lin Xi.

He wanted to tell Lin Xi everything, but he couldn't risk anything happening to his beloved. Despite all his efforts, someone found out and sent assassins to murder him.

Due to the lack of evidence on the assassins, they weren't able to find the perpetrator. However, Zi Wu Han was able to piece together the clues.

You scheming fox! Trying to kill my beloved. I won't allow you to die so easily.

He wanted to immediately find Lin Xi, but that would just put him in more danger. He marched into the emperor room where they discussed for hours before he left.

At the same time in the neighboring country, Princess Fei screamed at her servant, "What do you mean none of the men came back?!"

The servant kneeled and said, "There has been news that assassins sneaked into General Lin's residence and all of them has been disposed of."

Princess Fei was so angry when she heard that Zi Wu Han had a lover and it was a man. Even though they had an engagement, she couldn't endure the fact that another man had captured what was hers. The only way for her to be satisfy was that the man was dead.

She grew up spoiled by the king and everything was given to her if she demanded them. The only person who has rejected her was Zi Wu Han which wounded her pride. She would use any means necessary to get what she wants including forcing him into a marriage with her. If he did not agree, she could easily tell her father to destroy that neighboring nation.

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.

"What?" she asked impatiently.

"Princess, there has been a message that crown prince Han would be visiting."

Her eyes widen in happiness and excitedly looked through her closet for clothing.

I knew he loved me. She giggled at the thought of Zi Wu Han.

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