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Lin Xi was also struggling because he couldn't keep his lover's face out of his mind. One side of his brain was infatuated with him and the other side couldn't stand him. As the drug occupied a larger part of his brain, the hatred was growing and taking over his infatuation. Just looking at Xue Long's face, Lin Xi had a desire to kill him. 

He knew it was the effect of the drug. He knew who his lover was. Xue Long has continuously followed him in each world. He knew all of that, so why?

Why must he let the drug control him? Or is it just his unconscious mind scared that his lover won't continue following him?

He felt afraid of the possibility of Xue Long falling for someone else and leaving him. His inner thoughts are finally appearing, and his fear is pouring into his hatred and detest. With the negative thoughts surfacing, Lin Xi he felt the hatred and fear consume his ability to think rationally.

He began imaging his lover with someone else other than him. They were happily talking like they have known each other for years. Their eyes exuded affectionate as they spoke. Lin Xi wanted to stop them which only resulted in his lover staring at him in disgust. He felt his whole crashing down.

The only reason he was continuing to enter different worlds was to find his lover and be with him longer. He felt that every world was too short, and he wanted to spent eternity with this person. Without him, there was no point of Lin Xi to continue living in such a dull and boring life. His lover brought light to his dark life.


Li Qiang has been observing Xian Shi for the past days and he saw that his brother was slowly deteriorating. The drug had thoroughly affected him. His normally calm and quiet behavior turned erratic. He had outburst of anger in which he would throw plates and utensils onto the floor when Xue Long's name popped up.

There were times when Lin Xi had an unusual gaze at the knifes in the kitchen. As if lost in thought, his eyes would wander in the direction of the sharp objects. At every glance, his eyes stayed fixated on them for longer time intervals. 

"Xian Shi, are you okay?" Lian Yahui saw his friend in the street and felt a premonition of unfortunate.

Lin Xi smiled weakly at the boy. "I'm fine."

Xian Shi's future was unpredictable, but he could only give him a warning.

"Be careful okay?" Lin Xi waved and walked away in a gloomy mood.

Lian Yahui watched his disappearing back and noticed a similar premonition in another man, the previous chief's eldest son. When he looked at Xue Long, his future was fuzzy making it impossible for Lian Yahui to read. Seeing the two people's invisible future, he could only go into deep thought.


Li Qiang informed Xue Tao of Xian Shi under the influence of the drug. Observing Xue Long, Xue Tao saw similar actions, but Xian Shi seemed to be more affected.

Xue Long also had negative thoughts as days passed. The drug started to spread all over his body. He had an urge to grab a weapon, but not to injure Lin Xi – he wanted to stab himself in the heart. He didn't want to have these feelings of malice towards his lover.

The more he thought about Lin Xi, his emotions would randomly explode at once. While training his army, someone mentioned Xian Shi's name making Xue Long's hatred that he suppressed to explode.

"Shut up. Don't say his name again." Xue Long growled to the soldier who spoke.

The soldiers all froze at his tone of voice. It was icy cold that could cause chills to appear on their skin.

"Do. You. Understand." He enunciated each word.

The soldier who was already scared wanted to faint, but had to answer, "Yes, sir."

Walking away, Xue Long's head throbbed in pain. His lover's name would continuously cause hatred to occupy his brain. It was destroying him from the inside. He tried to recall the first time he fell for the boy and his eyes that were filled with affection and love.

But now, Lin Xi looked at him with disgust. His heart ached, but he also couldn't contain his emotions. His facial expression was probably the same – filled with contempt.

"Brother? What's wrong?" Xue Long saw that it was his youngest brother, Xue Yun.

"It's nothing." He was in a bad mood and couldn't deal with his brother today.

Xue Yun barely saw his brother in such an emotional state. He looked at his back with passionate eyes. He has always liked his brother – more than a sibling should. But he knew it was going to be an unrequited love, his brother always had a distant look in his eyes as if waiting for someone to appear. No one else entered his eyes.

During the time his brother was in war, he never had lust for any men or gers. He never had a reaction towards anyone. Even though Xue Yun was the closest to him, Xue Long's heart didn't open up for him. He would always treat him like a child. In his eyes, Xue Yun will always be his little brother. He never confessed knowing that Xue Long was waiting for someone important to him.

After the war ended, Xue Long disappeared and his heart almost stopped. Thinking that he died, Xue Yun wanted to suicide, but his brother was safe and sound. When they went back to the tribe, his brother's attitude become much warmer. He seemed happier and Xue Yun discovered it was a little ger.

A boy that had an aura of uniqueness. Someone who got his brother's heart at a glance. Xue Yun knew he was an ordinary male, so he no chance with his brother. Even if he was a ger, he knew that his brother wouldn't be able to see him. It was clear to see that Xue Long's world could only contain someone special – not someone like him.

He smiled wryly at the darkening sky that represented his love – slowly dimming and disappearing.

Only a single pair of eyes saw this scene. Lian Yahui saw this man's straight back that seemed to be pressured by possible a whole world of problems. However, Lian Yahui saw a single tear falling from the man's eyes and the instant their eyes meet, he saw an unforgettable image.

An image of the man bleeding in his arms. With a single wound on his chest piercing his heart, he knew at the moment the man was dying as he held him. Looking at the man's clear, pure eyes, Lian Yahui felt his heart break into pieces. His own eyes blurred due to the tears.

Who was this man? Why is he in my arms?

As his own tears fell on the man's perfect face, the man brought up his hand and wiped his cheeks. His mouth was opening and closing as if speaking, but he didn't hear anything. His ears were filled with someone laughing. A disgustingly evil laugh filled with malice. He lifted his eyes to see a boy near his age laughing like a maniac.

The laugh wasn't a sad one. It wasn't filled with sorrow, but happiness. It was as if the boy was satisfied with the man's death – like he was proud of it.

The image faded with the laugh echoing in his ears. Lian Yahui came back to reality. He just saw the man's future, but he could only see snippets of people's future. He didn't know what happened before or after this event.

He couldn't understand why, but he felt like this event should never occur. Although he has never tried to alter anyone's future, he refused to allow this man to die in his arms.


On the other hand, Lin Xi had a painful headache the whole day and couldn't take it any longer. The moment his head hit his pillow, he fainted.

"Host! Stop!" When a robotic voice sounded in his head, Lin Xi finally snapped out of consciousness. With clear eyes, he was on top of Xue Long and a knife in his hands ready to strike. His lover was awake; despite the fact that his life was going to be ended in a matter of seconds, Xue Long was glaring at him, but his eyes had a hint of love.

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