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On the other hand, Wang Lei was happy that the youth was paying so much attention towards him. His mind was a complicated mess because he was grateful that Zhang Min saved him, but he felt a strong connection to Li Yang.

With hazy memories, he remembered a little of his childhood and his mother. He made sure that the ring was hidden. Neither Zhang Min nor Li Yang had a matching ring, so he was conflicted by what his mother said. The person who had the same ring would become his partner, but such person never appeared.

At the same time, Zhang Min was happily introducing herself towards everyone in the village because she was an orphan dropped in the forest, so she never knew this village existed.

Feng Zhou was especially interested in her because he never saw such a beautiful woman in the village. When he heard that she saved Wang Lei, he was slightly angry because he wanted to meet her first. There was also rumors that they were lovers.

"Hello young lady, my name is Feng Zhou. It's nice to meet you." He gave a charming smile and kissed her hand.

Zhang Min blushed and introduced herself, "My name is Zhang Min."

"I heard that you and Wang Lei are lovers."

Her face redden like a tomato as she denied, "No! You're mistaken. I just saved him when I saw that he was injured."

Fang Zhou smiled, "That's good because I don't think such a beautiful lady like yourself deserves a man who can't fully transform into his beast."

Zhang Min was shocked because she didn't know. When she found Wang Lei, he was already in his human form.

Seeing her reaction, Fang Zhou grinned, "He cannot protect you, but I believe I can."

Getting her attention, he continued, "You see, I am a tiger. I wonder what magnificent beast you have?"

She was stunned because she knew that tigers were extremely rare, "I'm a bunny."

Fang Zhou's eyes twinkled because bunnies weren't as rare, but they were still top of the class.


When Zhang Min went to visit Wang Lei, she decided to inquire the information she just heard from Fang Zhou. She nonchalantly brought out the topic of beasts and asked what his was.

When Wang Lei heard the question, he suddenly remembered someone telling him, "Make sure to never tell anyone about your beast. Your black panther is extremely unique – even more than Fang Zhou's tiger. Remember, okay?"

He couldn't recall who told him, but the person stressed the importance to never reveal his beast. Looking at her eyes, he could tell that they were impure and greedy.

"I'm a black cat," He responded and waited for her reaction. As expected, her true face was shown when she sneered, but it was only for a moment.

Wang Lei's eyes were sharp and he smiled as he thought about Li Yang. His eyes were so bright and innocent.

Zhang Min quickly made up an excuse and left. What a disappointment.

Just as she left, Lin Xi barged in without knocking. A bowl on medicine in one hand and a basket of food in another.

"Wang Lei, obediently drink this okay?"

His eyebrows immediately shot down as he frowned. Lin Xi saw this and poked between his eyes.

"Stop frowning. You're going to get wrinkles." Lin Xi scolded and Wang Lei swore he heard that phrase before somewhere in his memories.

He stared at Lin Xi's face for a long time before turning away. That face looked so familiar yet so foreign.

He quickly drank the medicine before Li Yang attacked him again. Lin Xi smiled as he sat by his side and fed him porridge.

For some reason, Wang Lei felt like their positions have been swapped because his instinct was telling him to pamper Li Yang instead of getting pampered.

He held his head in pain. Lin Xi saw this and immediately put down the food.

"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" He asked in distressed.

Although Wang Lei's headache passed quickly, he continued to act because he wanted Lin Xi by his side for longer. Oblivious to the act, Lin Xi rubbed his forehead and continued to ask if he was okay.

After Lin Xi saw his complexion improving, he continued feeding him and just when he was about to leave, Wang Lei tugged his shirt.

"Stay with me." Wang Lei showed him puppy dog eyes.

Even though Lin Xi totally fell for the eyes he rejected, "Wang Lei, you're already an adult."

Before Lin Xi could walk away, he was pulled back.

"My head hurts." Although Wang Lei lost his memories, he knew by instinct that the man in front of him would spoil him no matter what.

Lin Xi could only acquiesce when faced with those eyes. In his mind, Wang Lei was still the tiny cute panther that he raised.

Wang Lei transformed into his beast as if by instinct. He knew that Zhang Min saved him, but he didn't fully trust her. But with this man, he could put his life on the line.

Seeing the familiar beautiful black panther, Lin Xi immediately hugged his warm body. He missed the soft fur. On habit, Lin Xi took a brush and calmly stroked Wang Lei's entire body.

Wang Lei's heart began beating when he felt the familiar motions of brushing. He looked deeply at Lin Xi who was focused on making sure every fur was accounted for. After Lin Xi was done, he rubbed Wang Lei's head and held him to sleep.

For a long time, Wang Lei couldn't sleep but admire the man's features and he had a desire to dominate him.

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