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On the other hand, Xue Long went back to his house to find his brother, Xue Tao waiting for him.

"Elder brother, you're back. I have some good news. I found the culprit to your attempted murder. It's sad to say, but it's our youngest brother, Xue Yun." Xue Tao said in anguish.

Xue Long easily saw through his act, but went along with him, "Youngest brother? I didn't expect he would betray me."

Xue Long wanted to laugh at him because their youngest brother has been closest to him. When their father passed away, he raised his brother and they trusted each other. Just before the war began, Xue Yun pulled on his sleeve with tear filled eyes unwilling to be separated from him. Xue Long allowed his youngest brother to follow him, but he didn't take it easy on him. Forced to witness the horrors of war, Xue Yun learned the harsh reality of life.

Despite having a baby face, Xue Yun's heart was cold, and he doesn't easily trust anyone. Xue Long raised him and protected him since he was young, so Xue Yun only opened his heart to him. He was even willing to sacrifice himself for his brother.

Taking the incoming arrow and pushing him away was the biggest sacrifice Xue Long saw. He knew there was no way Xue Yun would stab him in the back. Xue Tao didn't know because he stayed at home instead of going out to war. He just wanted a scapegoat and their youngest brother looked the most innocent and harmless despite being in war.

"Brother, I also have good news. Father left me this letter and I had a little peek. Seems like you have a fiancé." Xue Long gave him a letter and patted him on the back.

Xue Tao was confused because his father never mentioned anything before leaving for the war. When he read the letter, he was shocked because it stated that his fiancé and him had matching rings to show their engagement. His father apparently hid the ring in his room which he eventually found.

Xue Long saw the entire scene and smiled at his lover's tactics.

The following day, Li Qiang quickly went next door. He wanted to show his new jewelry to Xue Long. But unexpectedly, when he showed him the ring, Xue Long just laughed and called his brother, Xue Tao over. They were confused until they saw each other's ring.

"Congratulation," Xue Long was the only one merry in the room.

Xue Tao didn't want a ger to shoulder him down when he's trying to gain the chief's sit. Li Qiang also didn't think he would be in an engagement with the second eldest son of the previous chief. Although he was second in line, Xue Tao was handsome, but not as flawless as his older brother. Li Qiang reluctantly accepted because the man still had power and money.

Xue Long allowed them to get to know each other and to set the pieces in place. To his prediction, Xue Tao spilled his schemes.

"Listen, I don't need a fiancé. I plan to gain the chief's seat. I don't need a burden to hold me down." Xue Tao ruthlessly rejected their engagement.

"Wait. I can help you!" Li Qiang didn't want this perfect chance to slip by. He had always wanted power and wealth. Everything his brother got, he believed it belonged to him. His father suffered every day and he was ridiculed for being a ger.

When he was young, he didn't understand the condescending eyes from the villagers and other gers. He loathed his older brother for having everything. A perfect red cinnabar and beautiful features. He was always compared with him. His brother obtained that he ever wanted in life.

Xue Tao looked at him in suspicion.

"I know that my brother, Xian Shi is Xue Long's fiancé. If you use him, you can definitely defeat your brother." Li Qiang said with an evil glint in his eyes.

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