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As he strolled to school, he was humming cheerfully and was unaware that he was under the scrutiny of a mysterious man in a black car passing by. The man in question couldn't take his eyes off this youth.

"Bai Ning, compile a file for that boy within 2 hours." He told his secretary beside him.

"Yes sir." He lifted his eyes to meet the driver's, Xia Long who was also the body guard. They shared a similar thought.

The boss was known for being a playboy dating multiple women at once. Why did he suddenly switch sides?

They didn't voice out their thoughts and acquiesced to his demands.

The man continued to stare at the boy until he could no longer see his shadow.

Lin Xi entered a gigantic campus with flowers in full bloom. He noticed a group of roses which made him smile. As more students entered, they weren't blown away by the flowers but the youth standing in the middle. The second a smile appeared on his face, their hearts throbbed at the sight.  

Oblivious to the eyes, Lin Xi found his class and took a seat near the back. When the female lead entered, all the males were mesmerized. She was wearing a short dress the exposed her long, white legs and it was low cut revealing a bit of cleavage.

Ever since her rebirth, she has been exuding confidence. Sensing all the eyes on her, she smiled smugly. She looked around and paused as her eyes landed on Lin Xi. A glint appeared for a moment before disappearing.

Even though it was the first day, they had an art assignment to complete a painting which would be collected and graded tomorrow. Within the three-hour class, many tried to curry favor with Wang Xiu Ying instead of focusing on their assignment. Lin Xi totally ignored the female lead and unconsciously sketched out a man.

A man with a crown on his head and a grand robe with a dragon embroidered on. His face, however, was indiscernible and features was not drawn in yet. The girl sitting next to him gasped in astonishment.

"Zheng Ru, that's amazing! Who's your muse?" Her voice echoed in the entire room causing heads to turn towards him. 

The girls began surrounding him to see his drawing. Luckily, the class ended so he dashed out of the room escaping the horde of girls.

But without looking at where he was going, he bumped into a hard wall. Just as he was about to fall, a hand wrapped around his waist and pulls him toward a hard chest.

"Are you okay?" A low voice spoke next to his ears making him shiver especially since his ears were sensitive.

Lin Xi looked up to see dark eyes and a chiseled face. Masculinity practically emitted from the man's body reminding him of Zi Wu Han. He rubbed his ring that was hidden under his clothes for comfort.

Lin Xi frowned and pushed him away, "Thanks."

He wanted to walk away but was stopped by a hand holding his wrist.

"Is there something?"

The man didn't understand why he couldn't stand being apart from this youth. He shook his head and left causing Lin Xi to be confused from the stranger's behavior.

System1314: Host, that seems to be Zhang Yong, the powerful golden thigh for Wang Xiu Ying.

Lin Xi's eyes shone and then they dimmed because of how rude he was to him just now.

Lin Xi: I can't let them meet! System, make sure to track his every move and report back to me!


On the other hand, Zhang Yong received the report on the mysterious boy. He opened the file to reveal a beautiful face.

Name: Zheng Ru

Age: 21

Family: Deceased

Lovers: None

Hobbies: Painting

Likes: Meat

Dislikes: Vegetables

Zhang Yong frowned at the dislikes and began thinking of making him eat his greens. Bai Ning and Xia Long shivered at their boss's thoughtful look. They were used to his murderous and dangerous aura. Even with his past lovers, he was never this 'nice.' 

Zhang Yong also noticed that he attended the 'Academy of Fine Arts', the school they meet at today. He deviously smirked while he began calling the principal who seems to owe him a favor.

When the principal ended the call, he was nervously sweating because he got a call from a dangerous man who for some odd reason wanted to become a professor at his tiny school.

The next day, Lin Xi was playing with his phone trying to beat the monster when the system rudely interrupted.

System 1314: Host...

What?! I was in the middle of my game! Lin Xi snapped.

"Zhang Yong..." The system glowed uncomfortably under Lin Xi's glare.

What about him? Lin Xi raised an eyebrow.

System 1314: He's outside your classroom.

Lin Xi: Huh?

The door opened revealing the principal and a handsome man that captured everyone's attention.

The girls started whispering about the man.

"Okay everyone, settle down. The previous professor has been moved to a different class and this is Professor Zhang."

The principal was confused as to why Zhang Yong only wanted this specific class, but he could only comply.

Zhang Yong glanced at the class and immediately found the person he was looking for. 

In the midst of red strings, only his and Zheng Ru's pinky was not wrapped in a red string.

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