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Xue Long had an uncomfortable feeling in his heart for days. Every time, his eyes landed on the slim, small figure, he had an unbearable malice for the boy. He had a desire to get rid of the eyesore, but at the same time, his desire was repressed by another part of his heart. His eyes cleared away for a moment to reveal a deep love before being clouded up with coldness.

He woke up to see the boy on top of him with a knife in his hand. His unfocused eyes didn't seem to match his appearance. Xue Long had a feeling that the boy looked best with a mischievous aura. Seeing Xian Shi so close, he didn't feel the usual hatred, but a feeling of fondness. When the knife was raised and close to killing him, Xue Long didn't retaliate.

He didn't know why, but the instinct of allowing the boy to do as he pleased – even if it meant his life was in the other's hands. Xue Long also couldn't bear to even hurt a single piece of hair on the adorable boy. His malice was suppressed by his love and devotion for the boy.

In the midst of his thoughts, he felt water dropping on his face. Going back to reality, Xue Long saw the endearing boy shedding tears. His heart hurt by seeing the face Lin Xi had and he wiped away the tears that was about to spill out of his eyes.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Xue Long asked lovingly.

With the knife thrown away, Lin Xi heart throbbed in pain thinking that he tried to kill his lover. If the System 1314 didn't pull away from his unconscious state of mind, he would have really ended Xue Long's life.

"Y-you idiot! Why didn't you stop me when I tried to stab you?!?!"

Lin Xi was upset at himself for not being able to control his emotions, but also mad at Xue Long for accepting it all.

"Baby, how could I hurt you? You're too precious."

Xue Long pulled Lin Xi into his lap and rubbed his back until his lover stopped crying. Seeing Lin Xi cry was worse than seeing him mad. It broke his heart knowing that his lover was unhappy. If he knew that someone else made Lin Xi cry, he would torture the person until they wished they were dead. But knowing that it was him, he could only beg for forgiveness.

Kissing the last of his tears, Xue Long gave a few more pecks on the lips.

"Baby, don't you want to explain what happened? Your plan didn't include this." Xue Long asked in concern.

"I knew that they were going to drug us, I just didn't tell you."

Xue Long wanted to punish the boy, but not just yet. He squeezed his waist.

"Oh, and why didn't you inform me and endure this?"

Lin Xi pinched the hand circling his waist, "We needed a realistic act for Li Qiang and Xue Tao or else they would suspect something, and all your hard work would disappear. Xue Tao is still clueless about your knowledge of his attack against you. He currently believes that under the influence of the drug, we would kill each other, so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty."

Although his hand was pinched, he continued to feel Lin Xi flexible waist.

Very soft.

"Are you listening to me?" Lin Xi saw that his lover's eyes focused on his waist.

"Of course, baby." Trying to steal a kiss from Lin Xi, Xue Long got slapped away.

"So, what should we do with Li Qiang and Xue Tao?"

"Don't worry. I will take care of it." After that, Xue Long pulled his lover under him.

Only after a few hours, Lin Xi was allowed to leave – sore and tired.


Xue Tao has seen his brother losing his mind over Xian Shi and secretly laughed for his demise. Expecting their death, he needed a scapegoat to blame the crime on. The one person came to his mind: his youngest brother, Xue Yun. Xue Long already thinks their youngest brother tried to kill him. It would only be reasonable to frame Xue Yun. With a devious plan in his mind, he went out to search for his dear younger brother.

At the same time, Lian Yahui discovered the identity of the man crying in the dark. He was the youngest son of the previous chief. Remembering the vivid image of the man's future, his heart beat faster. He couldn't allow such a pure and innocent person to die in his arms. The picture of the man shedding a single tear under the setting sun already engraved itself into his brain.

Now, he was trying to find the boy who was laughing in the vision. The boy was around the same age as him which made it hard because Lian Yahui avoided most villagers especially the teens who were at the similar age as him.

Most boys were warned by their parents to stay away from the strange ger who spoke nonsense of the future which is why he didn't have any friends other than Xian Shi. However, he was currently shocked because he saw his friend talking to the boy in his vision.

The moment Lian Yahui saw the boy, he was pulled into the boy's future. The image was a wedding of the boy and a man who looked similar to Xue Long and Xue Yun. They were happy with smiles on their faces which contrasted to the one in Xue Yun's future.

When he was pulled back into reality, he was confused because he didn't understand why the boy was at the scene of Xue Yun's death acting like a mad man, but also so cheerful in his own future. They didn't match up. After the boy left, Lian Yahui pulled his friend away to interrogate him.

"Xian Shi, who was that?" Lian Yahui questioned him.

"Huh? He's my step brother." Lin Xi was lost as to why he was interested.

Lian Yahui glanced around to make sure no one was in the vicinity before telling his friend everything. He believed that Xian Shi wouldn't expose him.

Lin Xi was flabbergasted because he didn't expect the rumors to be true. After he heard everything, he was able to connect the dots.

Lian Yahui saw the future of Xue Yun and witnessed his death. Li Qiang was probably the one who murdered him and if he succeeded, then it meant that Li Qiang's future would come true. The man who looked like his lover and Xue Yun was Xue Tao and they would get married if their plan of killing Xue Yun and Xue Long succeeded. But it didn't make sense as to why Xue Long's youngest brother would be brought into this mess.


Xue Yun has been daydreaming all day because he met an adorable boy that day he decided to let go of his feelings for his brother. Ever since he saw the boy, his mind has been entirely occupied by him. He no longer thought of Xue Long. He could still remember that day.

Xue Yun saw a boy in his peripheral vision and their eyes clashed. The boy froze for a moment and a few seconds later, he ran up to him.

"Don't worry! I will save you." After the boy said that, he ran off with a determined look. Xue Yun was shocked because he has barely interacted with anyone from the tribe – since he has been at war – not to mention a ger. He noticed the boy's scarlet cinnabar on his neck.

Because his eyes had been on his brother, he hasn't noticed anyone else. It was the first time someone caught his eyes. He didn't understand why the boy said he would save him, but it made his heart flutter.

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