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When Wang Lei saw the ring, he was so ecstatic until he heard Lin Xi response.

My kiss.... He thought before chasing his lover.

Lin Xi ran into the forest.

I can't believe I didn't notice that he was my lover. I should have been suspicious the number of times he sneaked into my bed.

When they were younger, Wang Lei would always try to crawl into his bed in the middle of the night in his beast form. Lin Xi was always wondered why he was holding a stuffed animal, but somehow Wang Lei would turn back into human – a naked human. It was also weird how much Wang Lei loved his half beast form of only his ears and tails out. He would always pet him and play with his tail. Since they were young, Lin Xi just allowed him to do as he pleased.

Other than the fact that he was a bit too possessive, he was nothing like his lover. Lin Xi felt that he pampered his lover more than he got pampered. He was also too spoiled because he refused to eat unless Lin Xi fed him.

On the other hand, Wang Lei was anxious when Li Yang didn't want to marry him. He just recovered all his memories; he didn't want to lose the boy. He remembered all the days that he made him swallow the awful pill and the days that he fed him all the delicious foods. Just seeing his face made Wang Lei happy although he never showed it.

The day that Li Yang was bitten by the bat made him go mad. The precious boy was bleeding as he cried out his name in sorrow. He didn't want to be apart from Li Yang for even a second. Wang Lei was somewhat glad that he lost his memories because Li Yang cared for him even more. He kind of wish he could go back and be more shameless in order to trick a few kisses out of Li Yang.

Back in the forest, Lin Xi climbed up a tree and hid there. He was waiting for his lover to pick him up when he saw Wang Lei – followed by that annoying woman.

Zhang Min was searching for Wang Lei when she saw him enter the forest.

"Wang Lei, where are you going? Were you injured from the battle?" She asked with a worried face.

Now that Feng Zhou was dead and she discovered that Wang Lei's beast was a rare panther, she could definitely use him to climb the social ladder.

Wang Lei heard her from behind and his eyes flashed in contempt. She caught up and saw the scratches on his chest.

"You're still bleeding. Let me help you." She said softly, but she didn't even have the chance to touch him when a white soft ball flew past. It extended it's claws and made sure to use force to scratch her.

"Ouch!" Zhang Min cried out in pain.

When she looked up, she saw a snowy white fox that hissed at her. She tried to grab the evil thing, but Wang Lei held it like it was the most valuable thing in his life.

"Wang Lei, it could have some type of disease. Give it to me." Zhang Min tried again to take it from him but failed.

He didn't even pay attention to her and examined Lin Xi to make sure he was fine. He touched his soft paws and saw blood dripping from them. He quickly took out a handkerchief and thoroughly wiped his paws until they were clean and white.

When Wang Lei was done, Lin Xi bit his fingers but it wasn't painful; it was a light pinching feeling. Then, Lin Xi saw that his chest was still bloody and his heart throbbed for Wang Lei. He tapped his chested and looked up him.

You should clean this up.

Wang Lei saw his movements and understood Lin Xi. He walked past Zhang Min as if she was invisible. Going back to his room, Lin Xi transformed back and scolded him.

"Do you think you're cool? Acting like you're not in pain." Lin Xi reprimanded him as he carefully bandaged his wound. Looking at his injuries made Lin Xi's heart ache.

Wang Lei had an indifferent face on and he really wasn't affected by his wounds, but he remained silent and allowed his lover to worry about him.

When Lin Xi was done, Wang Lei couldn't wait and kissed him. He pressed Lin Xi on the bed and began taking off his clothes.

"It's still broad daylight," Lin Xi tried to protest.

"My reward," Wang Lei stated bluntly.

"You already got a kiss," Lin Xi fired back.

"Your reward," Wang Lei answered calmly.

"What for?"

"For getting me healthy."

With that, Wang Lei wandered down and began stroking him.


"You look so beautiful." Wang Lei was rarely this vocal, but he couldn't resist complimenting his lover.

Lin Xi shivered when Wang Lei whispered in his ears. His lover noticed his sensitivity and continued, "Show me your beast."

Lin Xi's ears and tails automatically appeared allowing Wang Lei to touch them seductively. Lin Xi moaned under his lover's hands.


After Lin Xi scratched Zhang Min, she couldn't stop touching her wound. It was so itchy.

Itchy! Itchy! SO ITCHY!

Her whole body felt like it was on fire. She had to scratch.

Entering the village, many saw a woman with disheveled hair and ripped clothing. The odd thing was that she wouldn't stop scratching herself. Even after blood was appearing, she didn't seem to notice and continued.

Many tried to stop her and talk to her, but she would walk by them as if they were air. Her eyes were dilated and unfocused. She didn't know where she was going nor what she was doing. She just continued to scratch her body and wobble out of the village.

No one ever saw her again.


Because Wang Lei's beast was exposed, the villagers tried to fawn over him. In his eyes, the only person that mattered was Lin Xi. Despite being raised by Li Yang for most of the years, Wang Lei was able to learn how to cook for his lover and Lin Xi happily enjoyed being spoiled.

"Beast?" Wang Lei continuously asked to see his beast, but Lin Xi refused. He rarely exposed his beast because his lover was a pervert and stroke his fur provocatively.

Every time he agreed, they would end up in bed for hours and Lin Xi couldn't move for days. Despite being rejected, Wang Lei persisted in his half-transformation which Lin Xi couldn't resist playing with his ears and tail.

While touching his ears, Wang Lei would lick his ears and Lin Xi would swat him away, but it failed quickly. In the end, he was under Wang Lei and a healthy blush appeared across his face. He saw that his tail was playing with his harden member making his blush turn darker.

"You pervert"

His protest was stopped with a deep kiss.

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