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Lin Xi told Lian Yahui that he would discuss his vision with Xue Long and he shouldn't investigate anymore. Although Lian Yahui smiled and nodded, he ignored his friend's advice and went to find more clues. He didn't want to lay back and relax knowing that Xue Yun would die in his arms.

Venturing into the Xue Yun's house, he sneaked in the back where he noticed Li Qiang and Xue Tao in deep discussion. He quietly approached them to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"How's Xian Shi? Xue Long almost reached his max. He looks about ready to kill someone." Xue Tao asked the boy next to him.

Li Qiang gave him a positive answer, "He's also about to explode. I didn't think the drug was so potent."

Hearing his friend's name, Lian Yahui was certain that they were the reason that Xian Shi and Xue Long had been acting odd for the past few days. However, today he did look better.

Before he could hear anything else, he accidentally stepped on a branch breaking the quiet atmosphere. Xue Tao immediately turned his head and caught a glimpse of the intruder. Although he ran away, he was able to see a scarlet cinnabar on his neck.

He tsked in annoyance because their scheme could not be spread to Xue Long's ears. Xue Tao decided to use Li Qiang to get rid of the ger. When Li Qiang heard about the situation, he also couldn't allow anyone to know about their plan, so he agreed to kill the ger.

Li Qiang chased after Lian Yahui, but they were intercepted by Xue Yun.

Lian Yahui ran into a strong chest and almost fell backwards but was caught by firm arms. He was shocked with his eyes saw the familiar face.

"Xue Yun! What are you doing here?"

"Why are you running? You're all sweaty." Xue Yun ignored his question and brushed away the bangs that covered the cute face.

Lian Yahui didn't notice the man's passionate eyes. "I just overheard Xian Shi's step brother and your brother discussing their plans of poisoning them. Quick! Go back and inform them."

Xue Yun didn't have a chance to respond when Li Qiang caught up and had a knife in his hand. His eyes had a murderous glint and he looked ready to strike the enemy.

Without anyone's comprehension of the situation, Li Qiang shoved the knife towards Lian Yahui's heart. Xue Yun immediately blocked the attack with this body, so Li Qiang's aim went towards his abdomen.

Lian Yahui witnessed the whole scene and saw his vision of Xue Yun's future occurring before his eyes. Xue Yun was about to fall on the ground as he held his wound where blood was flowing out. Lian Yahui caught him before he dropped and held him in his arms. His eyes redden in sadness and distress. He had seen people's death in his vision and in real life, but he has never experienced this kind of pain in his heart. It was a piercing sensation as if someone stabbed him.

He was too focused on Xue Yun to notice that Li Qiang was not laughing like in his vision, but the boy visibly paled and ran away after he saw the amount of blood seeping onto the ground. However, Lian Yahui and Xue Yun were focused on each other and didn't pay any attention to the perpetrator.

"Don't cry."

Xue Yun wiped away the tear stained cheek. Despite blood dripping out of his wound, Xue Yun's face didn't change much as if he wasn't losing blood. Lian Yahui wasn't aware of anything other than the fact that the man would die in his embrace. His prediction has always come true so didn't notice the discrepancy.

"Would you grant my last wish?" Xue Yun saw the boy's adorable face and had a desire to kiss him.

Lian Yahui quickly nodded and stated that he would do anything.

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