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Lei Yi was thoroughly confused. Why was the young master acting like this?

The servant was also confused. He nervously looked around and again tried to give the ring to Lin Xi.

Instead of taking the ring, Lin Xi grabbed his fan and lightly fanned himself.

"Zi Wu Han, I said if you appear before me, I would skin you alive. Did you think I was joking?" Lin Xi directed his eyes at the guard in the corner.

The man smirked and Lin Xi threw his fan at him. The man caught it and approached Lin Xi.

"Princess, you're so feisty." Zi Wu Han tried to kiss his forehead when he was slapped.

"Who are you calling princess?! We're not married." Lin Xi fiercely pushed the man away but with no avail could he break away from his embrace.

Lei Yi and the messenger quietly walked out. From outside, they could hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"You bastard, who do you think-mmh"

"Idiot, let-mmh"

Not long after, there were only moans coming from the room. The servants all pretended to be deaf. Not hearing nor seeing.

Only when they heard the crown prince asking for a bath did they enter. They saw their clothing scattered on the floor and Lin Xi was sprawled on the bed with ambiguous red marks all over his body.

Zi Wu Han was massaging him. They left after preparing a warm bath and Zi Wu Han carried his lover to the water. When Lin Xi entered, he felt his muscles relaxing and Zi Wu Han slowly washed his body.   


Three days ago, Zi Wu Han passed down a command to announce that the crown prince has fallen into a coma. The soldiers and servants were thoroughly puzzled.

Apparently, the prince was worried that his future princess wasn't willing to marry him since they haven't seen each other for a while, so he planned to pretend to be ill. He also wanted to see his reaction to his death.

Lin Xi's devastated or teary face would have made Zi Wu Han expose himself and comforted his lover, but instead his lover saw through the whole façade.

Zi Wu Han and Lin Xi's marriage was declared and preparation occurred quickly. Lin Yu and Chen Bai heard of his engagement and excitedly celebrated for them – well mostly Lin Yu. Chen Bai, the annoying dog hovered over Lin Yu, not allowing anyone from breaking them apart. Lin Xi had no choice but to approve of their relationship after multiple death threats was given to Chen Bai if he ever hurt his precious brother.

Instead of a traditional wedding, Lin Xi suggested a masquerade type of wedding. Zi Wu Han agreed to any of his lover's request. The emperor also agreed because he felt guilty for forcing his son to marry someone else even though he promised him for Lin Xi's hand in marriage. The empress never liked Princess Fei, so she supported Lin Xi.

On the day of the marriage, Zi Wu Han searched the entire palace looking for his beloved, but he couldn't even see his shadow. Thinking that he was possibly kidnapped, he was about to call the army to look for Lin Xi when a man shrouded in black kneeled in front of him: It was the guard he placed on Lin Xi.

"What are you doing here? Where is Lin Xi?"

The guard didn't speak and handed him a letter. Zi Wu Han quickly opened it.

Dear Zi Wu Han,

I'm having second thoughts about marrying you. The pressure of marrying a crown prince is too much for me to shoulder. I am just a commoner while you are royalty, but I might change my mind under some circumstances, so let's play a game.

Since we have a masquerade wedding, everyone is hidden behind a mask including me. If you can discover my disguise by midnight, I will reluctantly marry you. If you can't, I will have to question your love for me. I heard that the prime minister's son is quite handsome.

Also, don't cheat; you're not allowed to take off anyone's mask nor ask for help. By midnight, you have to choose someone to marry – whether you choose correctly or not – you must marry.

Lin Xi

After Zi Wu Han read the letter, he laughed out loud. His lover must be getting revenge. He shook his head helplessly.

"Make sure that the prime minister's son doesn't attend the wedding," He told the guard.

"Also, disfigure his face," He added.

He can't allow anyone to attract his lover's attention.

That night, many friends, families, and royalties were invited for the wedding. They all had masks on making it hard to distinguish individuals.

The emperor got everyone's attention and announced, "Today is the wedding of Zi Wu Han and Lin Xi; however, we decided to make it a little special. Lin Xi will be in disguise with the rest of the guests and by midnight, the crown prince will have to find him."

"Father, you knew?" Zi Wu Han was slightly shocked. "Don't you want Lin Xi as your son-in-law."

"Yes, but I don't want to force him if he doesn't want to. I heard that he was devastated when he thought that you died. He said that he couldn't bear to lose you, so he came crying to me. He stated that if you couldn't find him in the end of the night, he would let you go." The emperor was immersed in sadness.

Then he hit his son. "You unruly son! If I didn't know your plans, I would have passed away with grief."

Zi Wu Han rubbed the back of his head and thought, His lover got everyone under his thumb.

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