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Shen Jin, however, was clueless. He was just satisfied that the lunch box was always empty as if licked clean.

Lin Xi didn't care if Shen Heng ate the lunch or not, he didn't care about the ice cube and went back to the boy. As he walked back to the rest area, he bumped into someone.

Looking up, he saw a striking face and his suit was fitted to perfection as his wide shoulders were in a straight line. There was possibly of an eight-pack behind the suit, but he wasn't able to see. While Lin Xi was examining the man in front of him, the other did the same to scrutinize the small figure who bumped into him.

System 1314: Host, he is Xie Yan.

Lin Xi: Oh. The man that the female lead fell for.

Lin Xi was not sure what happened to his matching ring. It was never mentioned in the original plot and Shen Heng wouldn't have kept it if he gave one to his brother. Lin Xi would have to search the house for it unless his lover already had it in his possession. He felt upset for not being able to identify his lover without the ring. The only other similarity in personalities of his lover in every world is his possessiveness and ability to cook.

In Shen Jin's memory, he has never seen Shen Heng cook for a day in his life. But if Lin Xi discovers that that ice cube is his lover, he would put a ban on their sex life. He was forced to suffer under the OOC restriction, so his lover should suffer as well. If Shen Heng isn't his lover, Lin Xi would certainty poison the ice cube to death.

"Are you okay?" A voice pulled him back into reality.

"I'm fine." Lin Xi found no ring in visible sight, so he would have to find the ring before he declared a stranger his lover. Since he can't go OOC, Lin Xi couldn't act out of norm.

Lin Xi was curious about the man, but Xie Yan didn't give him the warm feeling he usually experience when seeing his lover. His heart was calm and indifferent, but he was so unsure because the ring always gave him confirmation. Seeing Shen Heng only gave him an angry feeling, although occasionally something strange stirred in his heart. Lin Xi believed it was Shen Jin's original feelings of love towards his brother.

Walking away, Xie Yan's eyes lingered for a few more moments before leaving.


Lin Xi went back to Xia Chen and explained that they were cousins and that they would be living together.

Xia Chen smiled happily and called out, "Big brother."

Looking at the adorable face, Lin Xi couldn't help but pull him into a tight hug. Ever since Xia Chen's parents died, he had been alone, and no one seemed to care about him. Today, his new guardian was supposed to pick him up and Xia Chen was excited to see him, but he never came. His body guards were sent to pick him up, but they got distracted by the men in black. Xia Chen was scared and afraid, so when guns were taken out, he ran away.

Xia Chen was aimlessly running until he bumped into Lin Xi would saved him. When he hugged him, Xia Chen felt warmth fill his heart. He hasn't been hugged since his parents passed away. He held on to Lin Xi as if he was his life source. Someone he couldn't bear to part with.

An hour later, Lin Xi went back to the secretary to pick up the lunch. Yuan Ming enthusiastically sent him off and even offered to walk him down, but Lin Xi rejected it.

System 1314: Host, you should get back home. You need to do the laundry.

Lin Xi cursed the system as he went back home with Xia Chen. Greeting the butler and maids, he informed them that Xia Chen would be living with them from now on. They boy clung on to his leg and peered behind with a cute smile. The servants were blown away by his cuteness and tried to talk to him, but Xia Chen was silent. He would only occasionally answer by shaking his head.

Leaving him in the living room, Lin Xi went to the laundry room to wash Shen Heng's clothes. Shen Jin wouldn't allow any of the maids to touch his brother's clothing and took his time to separate the whites from the colors. He also made sure the different fabrics didn't mix and they had the proper hot or cold setting.

After washing and drying the clothes, Shen Jin would neatly fold everything and place the clothes back into his brother's closet. Entering Shen Heng's room, Lin Xi was able to see the obvious difference from his to this one. Shen Heng's room was sparkling clean with no dust in sight while Shen Jin's was a sad sight to see. Clothes randomly thrown in the closet and bed sheet awry. The table was so messy that you couldn't actually see the table underneath.

Shen Heng's room in comparison was meticulously cleaned and every pen was placed in a specific way. Lin Xi could guess who was in charge of placing everything in a particular order. He didn't care how his messy his room was but see the stark difference from Shen Heng's room made his heart hurt. Shen Jin spent all his time on his brother didn't even though he didn't even reach his brother's eyes.

Opening the closet door, Lin Xi clearly saw a neat freak's personality. The closet was divided from casual and business. It was mostly dominated by the same black suit. As a designer, Lin Xi was disgusted because all the clothing was almost black and gray with a few exceptions of white. They also looked extremely expensive while Shen Jin's clothing looked like they had been worn for years as if he didn't have money to buy new ones.

Cursing Shen Heng in his head, Lin Xi quickly put away the clothes and wandered around the room. Lin Xi had to make sure that the ring was not in here because Shen Heng should have the matching one, but he's not sure what he did with the other after giving one to his brother. Searching for half an hour, Lin Xi found nothing which made him even more frustrated. He didn't know where the ring was nor anything about his lover. 

He only had a few more months until his task was complete, so he'll endure it!


"What do you mean you can't find him?!?!" Shen Heng yelled in his phone. The other person stuttered to answer, but his boss exploded.

"Find him immediately!"

Shen Heng regret not picking up his cousin today, but his schedule was packed. He didn't think anything would happen, but a gun fight occurred, and his cousin disappeared.

Unbeknownst to him, Xia Chen was safely at home under the care of Lin Xi. After Lin Xi finished the chores, he spent the remaining of the time with Xia Chen. Taking advantage of his ability to cook, he made some chicken fried rice. Placing the bowl in front of the boy, Xia Chen's eyes widen in surprise.

Even with his parents, they have never cooked at home. The servants always made all the meals. This was the first time, someone took the time to cook and eat with him. Lin Xi was so happy that the system didn't force him to eat plain rice.

Taking a bite, the flavors burst. The chopped-up carrots with made it crunchy with the sweet peas. Lin Xi saw the boy gobbling in haste as if someone would take away his food. Xia Chen also had rice stuck on his cheeks making Lin Xi laugh.

The boy looked up with Lin Xi laughed. "You have rice on your cheeks."

Xia Chen blushed as Lin Xi helped him wipe his cheeks. Looking at his expression, Lin Xi is reminded of his son. He played with Xia Chen until it was 5 P.M. when the system interrupted him.

System 1314: Host, it's time to make dinner.

Lin Xi sighed as he put Xia Chen to bed. Since he was young, he had to take naps during the day. After a day of running away and meeting Lin Xi, he couldn't keep his eyes open.

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