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Lin Xi and Wang Lei died around the same time and the villagers buried them together near the lake in the forest where they spent most of their time together.

"Host, welcome back!" The system was happy to absorb the energy while Lin Xi was depressed to leave his lover. Even at the last moment, he wanted to take his lover's soul with him, but failed.

He only had a ring to help him reminisce their memories. Shaking away negative thoughts, he glanced at the system who had more green leaves sprouting from the brown seed.

"Host! I now can provide you with medicine and pills!" The system felt proud and wanted to be praise but was only yelled at.

"Where was that when I was dying from pain in the last world?" Lin Xi felt like the system was a rice bucket – someone who stuffed their face with rice/food, but they don't produce anything indicating a useless person. The system just absorbed the energy in every world, but it was useless.

"Host, don't be angry."

"Why would I be happy?" Lin Xi glared at the seedling.

"Let's go to the next world." He said as he took one last look at the ring.


In this world, there were only two genders: male and gers. A ger was a man that could get pregnant and they are distinguished from males by a red cinnabar (zhu sha) somewhere on their bodies. They are identified right after they are born and the darker the cinnabar was, it meant that the ger had a higher chance of successfully giving birth.

Lin Xi transmigrated into the body of Xian Shi, a ger who had an engagement with Xue Long, the chief's eldest son. They lived in the Xue Tribe led by the Xue family and when Xian Shi was born, he had a bright red cinnabar on his wrist which is why the engagement was agreed upon by both parties.

However, the tribe went into war with the neighboring ones due to expansion of land and the craving of power. Xue Long followed his father into war when he was 10 years old and he forgot all about his fiancé. The war finally ended with Xue tribe's victory, but Xue Long was injured in the process and was separated from his troops.

He collapsed in the forest where Xian Shi found and saved him, but Xue Long's memory was hazy leading him to think Xian Shi's step brother, Li Qiang saved him instead.

Due to the misunderstanding, Xue Long actively pursued Li Qiang who was also a ger. Even though Xian Shi and Xue Long already had an engagement in place, both of their parents passed away during the war and no one had evidence other than their eyes, so Xue Long easily broke the engagement.

Xian Shi did have proof, but without anyone's support and his step father's schemes, he was not able to convince Xue Long. In the end, he died miserably under his step father and step brother's schemes.

When Lin Xi absorbed the memories, he realized that Xian Shi didn't actually love Xue Long. After his parents died and he was suppressed by the evil duo, he wanted to use his engagement against them, but he didn't expect Xue Long to fall in love with his cunning brother.

Lin Xi opened his eyes and saw that he was somewhere in the forest. In this world, gers help collect herbs and food for the tribe while males fought wild animals as a food source.

Gers were expected to cook, clean, and sew clothing, but Xian Shi was never taught any of this due to the passing of his ger father when he was young. His father(male) married his step father(ger) and they had Li Qiang, but his father(male) had to go to war and he never returned from leaving his step father, brother, and him under one roof.

His step father knew of his engagement, but he wanted his own son, Li Qiang to have all the benefits, so he never taught Xian Shi anything a ger should know which is why even at 16 years old, he's pretty clueless which didn't help Lin Xi who lacked in all aspect of cleaning and cooking. As a designer, he could sew clothes, but that was it.

Lin Xi looked at his wrist where his cinnabar should be, but it was only a faint pale pink unlike the bright red he had when he was born. Xian Shi told his step father, but he would only feed him a suspicious bowl of medicine. However, the medicine was actually poison that made his cinnabar lighter and lowered his IQ.

His step father was very conniving because he killed Xian Shi's chance of marrying Xue Long and also helped his son's cinnabar to turn from pale pink to dark red. When Li Qiang was born, he was angry that his son's cinnabar was so light compared to Xian Shi's, so he came with a plan to reverse it and allow his son to shine while Xian Shi would rot.

System 1314: Host, your task is to take revenge for Xian Shi and escape your step father's devious scheme and marry someone who loves you.

Lin Xi: System give me a cure to the poison that I consumed.

The system gave him a pink pill and said, "Host I'm useful, right?"

Lin Xi: For once

Lin Xi swallowed the pill and his cinnabar became dark red. He smiled before hiding it with his sleeve. He would have to put something over it, so his step father doesn't suspect anything.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard some footsteps and hid behind a tree. He heard a thud and there was no more noise. He peeked over and saw a man collapsed on the ground with blood dripping down.

Lin Xi carefully approached the man and recognized that it was Xue Long. His ring didn't heat up, but just to make sure so he started taking the man's clothing off. Once he inspected everywhere, he couldn't find the ring, but Xue Long did have a full set of abs which made Lin Xi drool. He began touching his chest when a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"What are you doing?" Lin Xi saw that Xue Long woke up and was glaring at him.

Ignoring him, Lin Xi broke away from his hand and stepped on his handsome face which made Xue Long faint.

That's for Xian Shi.

Lin Xi heard rustling and immediately hid again. Then he heard a gasp.

"Are you okay?" It was Li Qiang, his step brother who was acting concern, but his eyes were filled with greed.

Although Xue Long was injured and unconscious, his clothing and aura screamed rich and powerful. Li Qiang saw it with one glance and he noticed that the man's clothing had the Xue Tribe's symbol which meant he was from his village. He quickly brought him back.

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