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Just as Zhang Yong closed his eyes, Lin Xi followed him despite being younger. There's no point of living in this world without his lover.

Back in greenhouse, the system was glowing in happiness because it received more energy.

"Look Host, I grew some more!" It excitedly reported to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi also saw that the seedling had a few more green leaves.

"I hope this time, you got enough energy to monitor people."

"Of course, Host! Believe in me!"

Lin Xi doubtfully looked at the system before he noticed his lover's ring was back in transparent box. He took it out and kissed it.

"Hey system, how did He reincarnate with me?" Lin Xi asked as rubbed the ring in affection.

System 1314 understood that He was referring to his lover. "I'm not sure. I don't have the authority to check....."

The system was anxious that the host would get angry, but Lin Xi just sighed.

"Let's go to the next world," Lin Xi just wanted to quickly find his lover.

Just as he disappeared, the ring glowed and vanished following him.


This world was inhabited by beastmen - a race with animal-like features who has the ability to transform into a full animal. Babies are born with human feature, but when they grow up around 10 years old, their animal feature appear allowing them to fully transform into an animal. They could also differ from their parents. For example, the parents could be snakes and the child could transform into a lion.

In this world, the original owner, Li Yang, was a cannon fodder and he was childhood friends with the protagonist, Feng Zhou. They were in a childhood trio with Wang Lei, another cannon fodder.

Li Yang, Feng Zhou and Wang Lei were all close when they were young, but when they discovered their animal features, they began to part ways due to the difference in strength. The world was ruled by strength and those with power were on top while those who were weak were placed at the bottom of society.

Feng Zhou was the first one to transform fully into his beast which was a tiger. In Lin Xi's mind, that wasn't anything special, but in the village they all grew up in, they were fascinated because tigers were a symbol of power. All the villagers began treating him like god and slowly ignored Li Yang and Wang Lei.

Li Yang took longer than the protagonist, but he was able to transform into a white fox. Sadly, foxes were pretty common and the villagers thought of him as mediocre. Li Yang, however, was proud of his beast and showed it off. He acted cocky towards the weak and powerless - children who couldn't completely transform.

Wang Lei was one of the children who couldn't fully transform even after his 10th birthday. He was stuck in his half transformation with black ears and a tail. The villagers speculated that he was either a black cat which brought bad luck or a black panther which was a rare beast. Seeing that he couldn't completely transform, they believed he was a black cat and shunned him. Li Yang also bullied him and used his beast to hurt him leading to Wang Lei's death.

Feng Zhou eventually caught the eye of a powerful clan known for having rare and powerful beasts. They took in Feng Zhou, but Li Yang was jealous of all the attention Feng Zhou got and challenged him in a life or death battle. Thinking that Li Yang was delusional, the protagonist accepted which resulted in Li Yang's demise. 

After Lin Xi opened his eyes to see a tiny, shabby house, he immediately called the system.

Lin Xi: System, is the ring still in the greenhouse?

System 1314: No

Lin Xi: Quick, find it!

The system went silent for a few seconds before replying, "Host.... For some reason, I can't seem to track it....."

Lin Xi contemplated for a while before sighing. His lover must have a special identity.

Lin Xi: It's fine. I'll find him myself. It will be more fun. What the task for this world?

System 1314: The task is to get revenge for Li Yang and cause Feng Zhou's death instead of your own."

Lin Xi thought about it for a while and decided to use Wang Lei.

System 1314: Host? Aren't you going to kill Feng Zhou yourself?"

Lin Xi: No. Why would I waste my time and energy doing that? I'll quickly finish the task and find my lover!

With a determined look, Lin Xi left the house and went into the forest to find Wang Lei. Currently, he should be 10 years old and the protagonist has already discovered his beast. On the other hand, he and Wang Lei hadn't been able to fully transform. Li Yang thought that his beast was also going to be something rare and began his tyranny against the weaker children including Wang Lei.

Soon, Lin Xi discovered a dirty boy with black ears and a sleek tail by the lake. When he got closer, his ring began to heat up and Lin Xi looked around and only spotted Wang Lei in the vicinity. He inspected the boy from top to bottom but didn't see a ring anywhere on him.

Lin Xi brushed it off and examined at the boy. He was covered in injuries and his face was muddy, but his eyes were the most attractive. They were dark and black which hidden inside was his deep thoughts not known to anyone other than himself.

Although he was cute, Lin Xi didn't care about anyone other than his lover. He was only going to be nice to the boy because he needed to use him.

With that thought, he ran up to the boy.

"Hey Wang Lei, what's with these injuries?"

When he saw Li Yang's face, Wang Lei's eyes darken with hatred.

Li Yang shivered in fear. Ah. So young, yet the anger has already accumulated.

Lin Xi was planning to be friendly but that seem impossible; the boy looked like he was going to chew his head off.

Since he, himself was still young, he barely had any authority to command people, so he'll use a different approach: his cute face.

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