First Fight

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Naruto sits at the computer with a bored expression. It has been a week since he was invited to join the team. In that time there has been no missions or training. The no missions he understands since the team is new and has no experience out in the field, but the no training part is strange. He understands that the Justice League is busy fighting criminals all over the world. However, this team will never work without proper training. He knows this from experience. It was a short time after learning a couple jutsu from the Forbidden Scroll of Seals that he thought knowing a couple jutsu made him invincible. If not for Kurama he would have died against a couple hunter-ninja. That was when he learned that in order to become strong he had to train and not just focus on learning a few jutsu. He may have never been on a team but he figures that it works in the same manner. One needs to train together in order to work as a team. But maybe he is wrong. The Justice League is a team organization so they know better than him.

The past few days he has been spending his time learning English from Red Tornado. Red Tornado is an emotionless android that doesn't play around or joke. A vast difference from Kurama who constantly made degrading comments and insulted others. It was an interesting experience learning from an emotionless android. Tornado never strayed from the topic at hand. All the teaching was focused on learning English with no distractions. Naruto was not sure how he felt on Tornado as a sensei. On one hand he was learning a great deal and could understand a small amount of English even speak a few words. But on the other hand he couldn't get a single read on the android.

Of course, Tornado was not the main reason that Naruto was learning at an accelerated rate. Naruto was using a special ability that he activated when he was nine. A special pair of eyes that allow him to memorize and copy anything that he witnesses. Kurama was surprisingly content with his eyes considering he hated the family that had them.

It was during a fight in the Land of Earth that he activated the Sharingan for the first time. He ran into another missing ninja that was looking to steal the Forbidden Scroll of Seals from him. The missing ninja was a Chuunin level ninja. Naruto was nine years old and didn't even know the basics of chakra control with two Academy jutsu under his belt. The fight, if one could call it that, was a beating that involved Naruto being bounced around on the ground like a rubber ball. Kurama channeled chakra to Naruto's eyes in order to help him with tracking the Earth ninja's movements. Technically, it worked as Naruto was able to follow the earth ninja's movements to deliver a fatal blow. It wasn't until a couple days later when Kurama finished healing his wounds that Naruto practiced channeling chakra to his eyes when he discovered that when he channeled chakra to them his ocean blue eyes turned red with tomae in each. That was when Kurama explained to him that he inherited a powerful doujutsu known as the Sharingan.

Once he developed the Sharingan, he was able to see the way the chakra was channeled by watching other ninja. He watched ninja channel chakra to their feet to walk on walls and water. As his Sharingan grew more advanced he was able to see through genjutsu, control over the sub elements, and gain better control over Kurama's chakra. Kurama hated this fact, but even the demon fox had to admit that the doujutsu came in handy when Akatsuki started to hunt him.

The Sharingan was a doujutsu that was inherited by those with the Uchiha blood and his mother was a descendant of Madara Uchiha, 'The Controlling Bastard,' as Kurama puts it. Kurama theorized that this was a recessive trait from his mother's side. It might have been the reason that the Fourth Hokage chose to seal Kurama inside Naruto in hopes that the Uchiha blood would help in controlling the demon's power. This was just a theory but it did make sense. Naruto didn't care much about being related to the Uchiha Clan because they were basically extinct with him and a few others as survivors. All he cared about was learning to become strong so that anyone that tried to hurt him would end up face first in the dirt.

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