First Mission

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"Recognizing B02, Aqualad."

Out of the zeta tube emerges Aqualad. He is dressed in his regular hero gear. Aqualad looks to see Robin, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Naruto already waiting for him.

"Recognized B03, Kid Flash." Kid Flash comes out behind Aqualad.

"I am so ready for this mission," smirks Kid. The young speedster falls silent upon seeing Batman not amused with his tardiness. Quickly, Kid joins the others ready to hear the mission with barely contain excitement.

Batman begins to speak now that the entire team is assembled. "Santa Prisca is the worldwide producer of the illegal steroid Venom." Multiple holographic screens appear behind Batman. Naruto keeps his emotions in check as he stares at the images. The former missing ninja has never seen such advanced technology. Several images of are the island Santa Prisca from different angles.

"Lately, all shipping has stopped despite the fact that satellite imaging shows that the factory is still producing the illegal drug. Your assignment will be to infiltrate the island, figure out what is going on and report back to the League."

"Who is the leader?" asks Robin.

Batman and Red Tornado share a glance. "That will be left up to you all to decide," states the Dark Knight. Robin gains a confident smirk.

Red Tornado steps forward placing three cases on the ground. "In each case is stealth gear. It is not required to wear, but stealth is a major part of your mission. Being able to blend in to the environment is key to a covert operation."

"Cool," grins Kid Flash.

Naruto begins to poke at the holographic screens. The technology of this world is amazing. He wonders what else the technology in this world can do. Man, it is almost like looking at some rare and crazy jutsu. 'Come on Naruto,' smiles Megan.



Miss Martian sits in the pilot seat with her hands in the two glowing white lights. "We are three miles away from Santa Prisca." Aqualad stands up pressing the center of his shirt. His outfit turns completely courtesy of the new stealth tech built into his suit. "Almost at the first drop point."

"I am ready."

Soon enough the ship hovers over the ocean a half mile out from the island. A hole opens up in the bottom of the ship. Aqualad dives through the hole straight into the ocean. He swims through the water at inhuman speeds. Swimming by a dozen mines, he comes upon a large net. He uses his water bearers to create a sword to slice through the net. In no time at all he shoots out of the water landing on the beach. Running over to the heat and motion sensors, he attaches a device to them. It turns from red to green signaling that it is on. "This is Aqualad. Heat and motion sensors are on an endless loop. I am on my way to the rendezvous point," speaks Aqualad.

Naruto emerges from the back. Robin glances backwards. The Boy Wonder raises an eyebrow at Naruto's choice in uniform and armor. The blonde is wearing a white and black hoodie over a short sleeveless skin tight black shirt, fingerless iron clad black gloves, black pants, and black boots. "Decided to not go with the Stealth Tech?" Naruto takes a seat as if never hearing the comment.

"Dude, he doesn't speak our language," says Kid. Robin gains an annoyed look. How the heck is he supposed to lead this team when one of the members can't even communicate with the rest of the team?

"No worries, I can communicate with him through telepathy. I can use my telepathy to target the speech center of the brain so he understands everything I am saying," smiles Megan.

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