Making Friends and Enemies

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Robin is sitting at the super computer in Mount Justice accessing information from the Justice League database to study a certain individual. Like his mentor, he is obsessed with gaining as much information as possible on individuals of interest. It just so happens that the individual he is interested in is the same one that his mentor is investigating. He is so engrossed with going over the mission details that he never hears a person coming up behind him.

"Is there a reason you are looking up information on Naruto?"

Robin hides his surprise well. He turns his head to see Kaldur come up beside him. Kaldur keeps his emotions schooled. "I want to learn more about him. How is it that someone so strong was able to stay hidden?" A video is pulled up of Naruto fighting Amazo. Justice League hacked the cameras at Gotham University to steal the video footage.

"I mean he was able to take down an opponent that had the powers of multiple League members. An opponent that nearly killed you, Miss Martian, and Superboy. Aren't you the least bit curious about him?"

Kaldur places a hand on Robin's shoulder. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious, but Naruto is a friend and teammate. When he is ready, he will let us in."

"Come on Kaldur, I know he saved your life..."

"All of our lives," corrects Kaldur. "Multiple times." Robin frowns. "Sometimes you need to ignore all that paranoia and have faith." Robin stares at the screen.

August 5th, 12:05pm

Superboy is slammed down upon the ground. Groaning, he stares up at a ceiling that is rapidly becoming a close friend to him. "You are getting better," smiles Canary. She extends her hand which he takes. He is helped to his feet. "Don't throw all your weight into your punches because it leaves you wide open to a counter."

"Right," Superboy dusts off his pants. "I am ready to go again."

Naruto enters into the room. A thud makes him look up. He notices Superboy getting beat up by Canary. When it comes to fighting Superboy is pretty useless. Mister Twister, Mammoth, and Amazo all beat the crap out of the clone. What type of weapon constantly gets beat up? Cadmus didn't do a very good job at creating a weapon. If Superboy wasn't invulnerable to most things the clone would have been killed a long time ago.

"Do you want to join us?"

Superboy understood every word of that. It looks like Cadmus made it so that he could understand Japanese. "I have my own style," replies Naruto.

Canary sends a challenging smirk. "Do you think your style is better than anything I have to offer?"

"No, but I like my style and have no desire to learn a new style."

"How about a spar?"

A shrug comes from the ninja. Canary spreads her legs getting into her stance. Naruto stands calmly not getting into a stance. Superboy takes a step back. The clone is looking forward to this. A fist sails towards Naruto's face. He leans back to avoid it. She twists around going for a leg sweep that he leaps over. Smirking, she goes to strike him in the air knowing that he can't avoid.

Or so she believed.

Naruto twists around so that he is upside down and plants his hand on her extended arm. A kick comes down from above striking Canary between the shoulder and neck. Pain fills the woman dropping her to her knees. He flips backwards landing on his feet. 'He was able to put that much power into a kick even from that position,' winces Canary.

'So he can beat Canary as well,' thinks Superboy. It isn't that surprising. Naruto is the one that defeated Amazo. An android that took on several members of the Justice League along with copying their powers. As much as Superboy hates to admit it, even silently, Naruto is the strongest member on the team. Apparently even strong enough to take on a member from the Justice League.

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