Choosing a Path

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Naruto walks around the store trying to find any clue that will lead him to Higurashi's killer. It has been three days since the murder of the blacksmith. He knows that the chances of finding any hints are slim to none, but it is a chance he has to take. Pausing, he kneels down to examine a spot that smells of cleaner. This is the spot that Higurashi was killed. It is near the entrance. That means Higurashi had come out the back to greet the ones that had killed him. No doubt a trap had been laid.

"I shouldn't have let my anger get to me. Copperhead could have given me a lead," frowns Naruto. Naruto had not killed her, but he burned her arms and legs so bad she is now a quadriplegic and no longer a threat. Due to this, she was in a coma from the shock. He thinks on the shinobi rules that he learned during his short tenure at the Konoha Academy. "Rule number one, a shinobi must never let his emotions rule their actions."

"You can't blame, yourself kit. You had no idea this would happen." But Naruto didn't acknowledge his rare kind words.

Disobeying the rules had led to the death of Higurashi. He may not have been the one to pull the trigger, but it is his fault that Higurashi is dead. Rule number six, a shinobi must never underestimate an opponent. A missing ninja does not operate with the same rules, but there is a set of codes that a missing ninja lived by in order to survive. Naruto used the shinobi rules and a set of his own to stay alive in the Elemental Nations. But since arriving in this new since becoming a hero he had become arrogant. There is not a single opponent that he faced in combat that worried him.

Sportsmaster, Copperhead, Deathstroke, The Light, Grundy, Wotan, and all others he faced in combat never worried him. Wotan and Black Adam are definitely on the same or greater level of power then him, but he knew if it ever comes down to it where he felt near death, he can escape them through the same manners that he dodged Akatsuki and Konoha for so many years. Having never suffered a defeat in this world made him arrogant and that caused him to be lax in his methods of avoiding detection. Revealing his true identity instead of creating a secret identity, walking out in broad daylight, and not taking the proper precautions to wipe away his scent when visiting Higurashi. It led to the death of a man that he considered to be a friend.

"Rule number seven, a ninja must never let down his guard."

A look of pure determination burns in his eyes. He will not make the same mistake twice. It is too late to hide his identity. So now he needs to send a message to all those out there that want to hurt him. A message that will make it clear to not attack those that are precious to him.

Mount Justice – November 30th


Canary gains a thoughtful expression. She gives a shake of the head. "I am sorry, the name is not familiar."

Megan bites her bottom lip. "It is ok. I was hoping you knew something about it."

"What is this about?"

The Martian girl glances around to make sure no one else is around. "Five days ago, on Thanksgiving. We were all having a good time until Raven showed up. There was some type of incident in Tokyo that involved someone named Higurashi. I didn't read Naruto's mind, but he was extremely upset."

Canary can tell that Megan is worried deeply about the matter. The girl is a bit on the sensitive side when it comes to such matters, but there is something different. Megan came to her in private. Canary has a feeling that the girl is keeping the matter on the down low to maintain her friend's privacy. "Have you spoken to Naruto?"

"No," Megan lowers her eyes. "I didn't want to pry. Naruto doesn't really like to share his personal business. At least not if it involves his crime fighting."

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