Relationship Changes

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Artemis stares at the empty telephone booth that acts as a secret zeta portal. She has not been having a good past few days. Three days ago, she got into a fight with her boyfriend. He doesn't understand that she doesn't like the way that he is always been hit on by other females. Is it not too much to ask that he tell those other girls to back off? No, instead he defends those other girls. Naruto is supposed to be on her side. He is her boyfriend after all. The two of them haven't really spoken since that argument.

Yesterday had been a good night at the start. She helped Green Arrow take down an assassin from the League of Shadows. When she went home to tell her mother all about her night, she found out a truth that had been hidden from her. All this time she had thought that Green Arrow and Batman had approached her and her mother at the same time about joining the team. Instead, the two League heroes had been begged by her mother to be taken on the team. Begged! Artemis scowled in anger. To think that she thought Batman and Green Arrow recruited her for her skills. Turns out that she is some type of charity case.

A determined expression forms on her face. "I have nothing to prove. I am one of a kind," states Artemis. With renewed confidence, she heads into the telephone booth.

December 5th, 4:56 pm CST

"Is everything alright?"

Naruto glances at Zatanna. "My problem is of no concern." A beeping sound goes off. He opens the microwave and pulls out a ramen cup. Ripping off the top, he uses a pair of chopsticks to start to slurp down the noodles.

Zatanna leans on the counter with a coy smile. "Ramen huh?" Naruto raises an eyebrow but continues to slurp down his noodles. "Nothing, I just find it cute."

He puts down the noodles for a moment. "Zatanna, I know that you are attracted to me, at least in a physical sense." Zatanna raises an eyebrow. She doesn't deny the claim. "But you know I am with Artemis. I will not betray her."

"I know," responds Zatanna. "I like Artemis. She is a friend even if we do argue a lot. Does it bother you that I flirt with you so much?"

Naruto tosses the empty cup into the nearby garbage can. "No, I like having you around." A smile lights up her face. "But, I am with Artemis. I need you to respect that or we can no longer be friends."

She nods. "I get it."

"Hey!" Conner enters the kitchen. "Green Arrow is here. He wants us all to meet in the main room."

Connor, Naruto, and Zatanna head towards the main debriefing room. Naruto takes a moment to sniff the air. "Red Arrow?"


"Isn't that Green Arrow's old sidekick?" asks Zatanna. Connor and Naruto nod. "What is he doing here? I thought he left the team or something."

"He stopped being Green Arrow's sidekick in order to gain independence from Arrow and the League."

Zatanna rolls her eyes. "Right, Red Arrow sure sounds like he got his independence," Connor smirks. Even Naruto cracks a small smile.

The three enter the main room to find the rest of the team minus Robin waiting for them. Megan waves them over. Naruto looks over at Red Arrow. Red Arrow narrows his eyes upon the ninja hero. It is obvious to most in the room that Naruto and Red Arrow do not get along with each other. "Man, it is great to have you back on the team," smiles Wally.

Kaldur places a hand on Red Arrow's shoulder. "I am glad to see you reconsidered joining the team."

"It is not that big of a deal," shrugs Red Arrow. A smirk forms on his face. "But it will be fun to fight crime with you all again."

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