Taking out the Garbage

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Canary is in civilian clothes. Naruto is walking next to her in civilian clothes as well. The two stop outside a bank. Opening the doors, she gestures for him to enter. He enters into the bank. Ocean blue eyes immediately scan the entire area locating the exits, number of guards, and the fastest route to escaping should a fight break out. "There is no need to be so tense. This is a simple formality," smiles Canary.

"Tense?" Naruto glances at the woman. Amusement appears in his eyes. He gestures for Canary to lead the way not saying anything more. Canary realizes how silly she must have sounded. That is like telling Superman to be careful around a gun. As crazy as it may seem, the most dangerous person in the bank at the moment is the child. She heard about the mission to Santa Prisca. Naruto single handedly took down thirty Cobra fanatic followers, Cobra, Sportsmaster, and a genetically enhanced human with incredible super strength and speed. He did this all without taking a single injury. It was a scary thought to think that a child managed to accomplish such a feat on his own. Naruto's abilities have drawn the attention of the entire League.

'It is not just the League,' thinks Canary. She walks up to the bank teller. "I am here to help my son open an account. His name is Uzumaki Naruto."

Her words made Naruto give a sideways glance. 'Son?' Naruto knew that parents and child usually always shared looks and features with each other. It was a believable lie.

The bank teller smiles. "I shall get the paperwork ready." Naruto barely pays attention choosing to go over various mental simulations in his head. There are a couple new jutsu that he has been wanting to work on.

While waiting for the paperwork Canary returns to her original thoughts. Cobra may be a fanatical that believes himself to be a god, but the man is extremely dangerous. A day after being captured and placed in Arkham Asylum there was a huge bounty placed on the person responsible for the capture of Cobra. Naruto's identity is unknown to Cobra but the bounty on his head is for 5 million dollars. Batman is working overtime to make sure that Naruto's identity remains a secret. Canary was glad that Naruto had a code name and wore a mask but, Naruto carries no fear at all about his identity being revealed. She already knows that he is the type of person that will walk around in broad daylight even with a bounty on his head.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?"

"No, I have a lot on my mind is all."

Naruto speaks in a calm manner. "Batman told you already about my profession." Canary nods. "Then you should know that lying to me is pointless. Even half-truths will not work." Ocean blue eyes stare deep into her own light blue. "I grew up in a world filled with deception. If you want to lie that is fine, but do a better job at it."

A small smile forms on her face. "I'll work on it," smirks Canary. Perhaps there is hope for him after all.

Mount Justice

"Recognized B06, Maelstrom."

In a flash of light Naruto appears in the cave. That was faster than he thought. Canary had helped him set up a bank account and the League transferred seven hundred dollars into the account. Well, 83,320. 53 yen which equates to 760.72 US dollars. 83,320.53 yen will be transferred to his bank account each month with 59,000 yen extra for every mission he completes. A bit on small side compared to the money he used to make as a missing ninja, but it is a start. He used half the money to purchase a new set of kunai and shuriken before returning to base. There is this great blacksmith store that he found a month ago. It makes top quality weapons. Real weapons not ones for show. When he had enough money he planned to a buy a sword. He almost feels naked without a sword. A swords is very useful weapon that he learned to use on his own. Gives him extra reach and provides him with a quick way to deal fatal blows to his enemies. Aqualad and Robin use weapons so him using a sword shouldn't be a problem.

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